Tag Archives: fwotw

FWOTW: dividedbytruth.org

For all those who have asked whether fundies think kilts on men are as sinful as pants on women, this week’s site for you! Evidently those Scots are just a bunch of pansies.

Also included is the truth about beer, warnings about the New World Order, and another fine example of overactive apostrophe use.

Be warned that clicking on the wrong links on this site could take you to gory abortion and drunk driving accident pictures. If you’re of a sensitive constitution use your own good judgment.

FWOTW: fundamentalbaptistsermons.com

It would be hard to list everything on this site that’s noteworthy but here are a few highlights

135 pages of audio and video sermons
The only archive I’ve ever seen of fundamentalist women preaching (to other women)
a list of sites against “wordly music”
a list of Satanic gang signs
signs of the end time
A list of search engines including those that only find fundamentalist sites. Jackpot!

…and oh, so much more!