Buckle up, folks, we’ve got a live one today. Don Boys (Ph.D) is a fundamental Baptist preacher who was also elected to the Indiana House of Representatives, and was identified by the media as the ”most conservative member of the General Assembly.” And with good reason.
We often reference the tacit racism that exists in the history of fundamentalism. Nevertheless, it’s worth remembering that there are minorities who do join and even lead in parts of the movement.
The pastor from today’s website “began to feel burdened about the people in the Mississippi Delta because he realized there was not one Independent Fundamental Baptist Church reaching the Black community there.”
Which requires us to ask “why?” What in their history and philosophy makes the IFB so incredibly bad at reaching out to the black community? Perhaps the place to start is by looking at the era and the cultural values that fundamentalists glorify and realizing that there is little space for other peoples and cultures there.
Of particular interest to me is this article on judging, exposing error, and name calling. I’m sure given this they’d have no problem at all with what we do here at SFL, right?
Today’s website pick is the home of Victory Baptist Church in Camby, IN where I’ve heard the people sometimes tithe in bullets because they know how much their pastor loves to shoot.
I especially like the admonition to “MAKE SURE TO CHECK OUT ALL OUR SITE, OR ELSE!!!” See that you do.
A silly blog dedicated to Independent Fundamental Baptists, their standards, their beliefs, and their craziness.