Today’s Friday challenge is a fairly simple one. Think about some fundy church you have known and give it a name that better reflects that congregation’s realities.
Today’s Friday challenge is a fairly simple one. Think about some fundy church you have known and give it a name that better reflects that congregation’s realities.
I know some of you have been eagerly waiting for today’s challenge: Write or re-write a Christmas hymn or carol to reflect a fundyland reality.
Today’s challenge is to recommend a helpful resource to those who are leaving fundamentalism. Read a good book? Listened to an informative lecture series? Surfed a website that challenged your thinking? Don’t just keep it to yourself!
Here are a few that I recommend…
Understanding Fundamentalism and Evangelicalism by George M. Marsden
If you want to understand fundamentalism you have to go back to the beginning and understand its historical and philosophical roots. Marsden does a bang-up job of putting the entire mess into context.
The Reason For God by Tim Keller
When leaving fundamentalism the temptation is often to swing to the extreme and leave Christianity altogether. Here a very non-fundamentalist Tim Keller makes a compelling case for why Christianity still makes sense in spite of people who may abuse it. Also check out Mere Christianity by C.S Lewis for a classic handling of the same topic.
Apologetics and Outreach lectures taught by Jerram Barrs
A fantastic class on faith and evangelism taught by a fantastic teacher. This completely changed the way I look at a Christian’s mission in the world. Load this one on your iPod and listen to it while you work or drive. You will not be sorry you did.
There are many, many more I could recommend but I’ll let you all have at it…
We’re having a party at SFL today! Today’s challenge is to tell us what who you’re coming as and what your costume will be.
Feel free to pick either a real famous fundy or fundamentalist archetype such as pastor, preacher boy, or soulwinner.
Games will include a shouting contest and bobbing for prayer cards. A covered dish supper will follow.
The average fundamentalist hears roughly four-and-a-half bajillion sermons in their lifetime. Through some kind of built-in defense mechanism, they also manage to forget having heard most of them.
Today’s challenge is to try to list one or two sermons that you actually do remember and what about them made them memorable.