Skipping Sex Ed.

censoredAs a rule, fundamentalists firmly believe that all sex education should happen at home between children and their parents. If the parents happen to be absent, immoral, or too timid to have ‘the talk’ then the fundy church provides them with a safe, caring environment where they can learn…pretty much nothing. Sorry, kids! Maybe someone on the Internet can help you out.

The Bob Jones high school biology text notwithstanding, education about matters reproductive in fundy schools often consists of thundering chapel messages about fleeing fornication. Even there, some kids who haven’t gotten the scoop on what “fornication” means may only know it happens at public schools and liberal churches and probably has something to do with breaking dress code and watching late-night television.

If you were old enough to vote before someone clued you in to where babies really come from…you might have been a fundamentalist.


21tntThe thing that is so impressive about is not the site itself but rather the enormous number of fundy sites that are listed in a single place.

It’s amazing how in one place you can have someone who lauds Jonathan Edwards, Jack Hyles, Charles Spurgeon, John Wesley, George Witfield, Charles Finney, John Bunyan, and Lester Rollof — and evidently has no idea how absurd it is that those names are all on the same list.

Be sure to also check out the the links to Independent Baptist “news sites” with names like The Baptist Pillar, Baptist Fire, Calvary Contender, Lion of Judah, and (my personal favorite) The Flaming Torch.

By Request: Frank Garlock


“You tell me the kind of music you like to listen to…and I’ll tell you what kind of person you are.” — Frank Garlock

I found this gem over at The Basement Rug (an awesome site for lovers of vinyl, btw). It’s from an LP record entitled The Big Beat ~ A Rock Blast in which Frank Garlock among other things claims to have to have listened to and analyzed more than 2000 rock songs in a single week.

If you can sit through all 83 minutes of this amazing performance, you’re a better person than I am.

Some notable bites

13:30 listening to good music can increase your eyesight by 25%

13:56 we learn that plants are killed by rock music.

16:47 cutting edge research from 1971 shows that…well…something or another.

20:04 department stores use music to hypnotize their customers into buying more

21:31 Music played for mental patients helped them improve only if the musician was mentally stable. Music played by mentally unstable people made mental patients worse.

On a side note, watching Frank with Spanish voice-over is incredibly trippy.

A silly blog dedicated to Independent Fundamental Baptists, their standards, their beliefs, and their craziness.