
When I featured the Baptist Standard flag a couple weeks back, it evidently caught the attention of one of its fans. Travis Burke, the pastor of Cozaddale Baptist Temple, has written this reply and challenge.

I want to thank the two men that have emailed me to let me know that there is a web site that is scorning and mocking me, Bro. Jeff Allen, our church Cozaddale Baptist Temple, and our flag. I appreciate both of you taking the time to let me know this was going on.

Scriptures tell us that there will always be scoffers. Their comments are nothing less than scoffing. Scoffing tries to tear down and belittle Truth. They do not seek to taught truth, instead out of conviction tear down truth. I would be glad to talk to one of them-any of them should they desire to call me: 513-722-2064. But most will not.

It is scoffing because you will not find one who can take Scripture to ‘disprove,’ rather they will use slander and human reasoning to attack.

So please, give me a call should you desire to debate, otherwise, you may continue to scoff.

Remove from me reproach and contempt; for I have kept thy testimonies. Ps. 119:22

So, there you go. He’s publicly listed his phone number and asked you all to call him. Do with that information what you will.

Christian Womanhood Follow-up

Someone posted a link to this video in the comments of the last post and I thought it was worth promoting to its own post. We’ll see how long it takes FBC Hammond to disable embedding on it…

I got a couple of giggles from this video not the least of which was thinking about how “celebrating girlfriends” takes on a whole knew meaning when you think of it in the context of Jack Hyles.

Christian Womanhood

We’ve given a fair amount of time to the insanity of Jack Schaap, “pastor” of First Baptist Church, Hammond, Indiana. Today, however, we’re giving some equal time to the machinations of his wife Cindy who serves as editor for the publication “Christian Womanhood.”

The March 2010 edition shown above, for example, contains the following:

– A winner to the “Why My Pastor Is The Best” contest (the winner writes a thrilling story about how her three year old knows that the pastor loves her).

– A recommendation from Mrs. Schaap that families give the father a standing ovation when he comes home from work. (One can only assume that if mom comes home from work the correct action is to hand her one of Mrs. Schaap’s books on being a stay-at-home mom)

– A worshipful letter from Jack Schaap’s daughter praising her dad to the skies.

– Instructions to careful with His Name, His Money, His Children, and His Home. No the “His” doesn’t refer to God, silly. It refers to the Man Of The House.

– Even MORE love for Jack Schaap being the most awesomest preacher ever ever ever.

And so on for 27 pages.

I would say “enjoy” but I’m pretty sure you won’t.

A silly blog dedicated to Independent Fundamental Baptists, their standards, their beliefs, and their craziness.