Now it’s time for more from the halls of crazy people fundies love to have tell them about the devil’s nefarious plans to corrupt your children with action figures. Meet David Benoit, Christian, preacher, and freelance demon hunter.
His website reports “in the past several years, David has used his vast knowledge of the occult and the New Age movement to show how Satan is subtly gaining entrance into our families and our churches through seemingly harmless children’s toys, movies and cartoons. He has authored four books on this subject.”
With as much as he’s opposed to all things fantasy, I’ll bet if we could look at his computer we’d find that he’s a closet night elf mohawk. I’m just sayin.
Now David himself might not be a fundamentalist, since he does apparently preach at non-denominational churches, but he’s definitely a something fundies like.
At least he was honest that Tustin, CA doesn’t lack for churches. It doesn’t exactly lack for Baptist churches either. Here’s a quick Google Maps snapshot of just Baptist churches in the area (never mind Presbyterian, Methodist, Lutheran, Non-Denominational, etc. etc.)
Apparently these “missionaries” have started this church since this video was shot.
Ok, so it isn’t just fundies who like shirts, I’m a pretty big fan of cool t-shirts myself. If I had infinite resources I would probably call up sites like and tell them to send me a couple of each.
But it’s even cooler when the shirt is one that’s you’ve helped design. It has been months since we had our SFL t-shirt design ideas submission but I’ve just now managed to get my hands one of the finalized designs:
I’m really pleased at how this shirt came out. The printing is crisp and clear (a lot better than the photography here would lead you to believe) and the fabric quality quite good.
If you haven’t been there yet, be sure to check out the other designs at the SFL Cafe Press store.
Bob Jones and Hyles Anderson College are nothing alike. They’re so completely different and separated and not at all the same that Bob Jones III is going to be preaching at the same conference as Jack Schaap and Mike Norris this summer.
I guess as long as they’re on different nights then it’s all good and nobody should get all confused and think that maybe they’re not as different as they’d like people to think that they are.
Update 1: Multiple sources have now confirmed to me that Rick Arrowood has dropped out of the conference upon learning that Schaap was attending. Further updates as they become available.
Update 2: Apparently BJIII has decided to bring Dr. Eric Newton (Dean of Students at BJU) with him as the second speaker.
A silly blog dedicated to Independent Fundamental Baptists, their standards, their beliefs, and their craziness.