Wanting America Back

I nominate this song for the Least Musical Lyrics Ever award. The Jack Hyles voice over starting at 1:55 is classic.

I think one of the video comments says it all:

i think the three who disliked better watch there backs i feel sorry for them cause they have to look over there shoulders everyday bu thank GOD for MAN OF GOD LIKE DR.JACK HYLES who stood up for GOD and whats right.



Today we have exercise in saying a whole lot of words that sounds like they might mean something vaguely spiritual but at the end of it you’re still not quite sure what it was.

What does technology have to do with loving Jesus? What does “growing” mean? What does “grounding” mean? And exactly how does this use the Scripture to show us Christ?

But the people all say amen anyway.

A silly blog dedicated to Independent Fundamental Baptists, their standards, their beliefs, and their craziness.