You have to come from a very, very specific background for this particular letter on the firing of a Heartland Baptist teacher to make any sense. And the fact that I actually understand it makes me question my own sanity.
Also, when did we start putting periods between the letters of KJV?
What do you do when you and your associated churches are enmeshed in scandal and accusations of child molesting and abuse? Well if you’re Jack Hyles in 1993 then you have a parade.
As parades go it’s pretty much the saddest one I’ve ever watched.
Remember the church with the Male Leadership sign? Here’s the story on that:
I guess he really does subscribe to the idea that all publicity is good publicity. You may recognize Preacher Bill as the same guy with the Ice Cream Bus Ministry some years ago.
A silly blog dedicated to Independent Fundamental Baptists, their standards, their beliefs, and their craziness.