Now you can have the wordless book emblazoned on a fine walking stick so that you can witness to those you encounter on your hikes around your neighborhood. I’d recommend you speak softly if you’re going to carry it.
(This is one of many bits of material that Don gathered and sent me from the national Sword of the Lord conference. There will no doubt be more to follow.)
If you’ll recall, a while back I posted a video from the Kentucky Young Fundamentalists advertising their conference. Well they had the conference and there they did things like this…
I highly recommend that you do not watch this. It is a complete and total waste of time.
You have been warned.
On a side note, I have to wonder exactly how gimmicks like this are considered better than the “seeker-sensitive” movement that they love to preach against.
What teen doesn’t love a great set of themes services? Just like the Minutemen of yore kicked out the British, these pastors will kick out…pretty much everything else.
I especially enjoyed the Parents Q&A page. As well as the War Report page that has yet to be built. I guess they’re still waiting to see any real action.
I’m still waiting on verification of whether or not Charles “Chipper” Snow IV is actually on staff at this church as the music pastor. He’s not listed on the website but sources have told me that they have reason to believe that not only has this church ordained him but they have employed him as well.
One can only hope that whatever church is harboring him is at least keeping him away from fourteen year old girls until his trial is over.