Pervert Pastor Greg Neal Escapes Prosecution, Remains on Church Staff

There’s already been some discussion on this in the forums about this story but it’s worth making an official post about it here just for the record. 

As if we needed more evidence that being the son of a fundy preacher is a blank check to commit whatever kind of perversion that your heart desires, along comes the story of Greg Neal who apparently thinks it’s a swell idea to shoot hidden video of women changing their clothes. reports it this way:

While investigators said the tape does show Neal handling the camera before and after two women are seen undressing “in an area where they had a reasonable expectation of privacy,” the state’s ability to prosecute a case of video voyeurism expired one year after the offense.

“While the evidence of his crimes of voyeurism in 2001 is overwhelming, unfortunately, the Statute of Limitations has expired,” Assistant State Attorney James Colaw wrote. “Consequently, there is no way to legally pursue a prosecution for these acts.”

Detectives said the VHS tape was discovered in 2002 when church employee Brent Bartlett was viewing a group of tapes of basketball games he said was given to him by Neal. The secretly recorded tape was included with the basketball tapes.

The report said Bartlett took the tape to Neal’s father and the senior pastor of the church, Tom Neal, and he was told “the matter would be dealt with in the appropriate manner.” Investigators were told that both Gregory Neal and Tom Neal denied to the victims and to church members that the videotape existed.

Both Neals refused several attempts to be interviewed by investigators or provide statements. They continue to be co-pastors of the church.

Well, there you go. Do what any good Hyles-Anderson son of a preacher would do: Get your jollies spying on the women in your church , lie to them about what happened, eventually fire the guy who discovered it and then wait for the statute of limitations to expire. Then just keep on pastoring and pretend like it never happened. Simple as that.

Another ministry success story.

Witnessing Tactics

If you’ve never actually read the Sword of the Lord publication, here is your chance to get a slight taste for its style. Fundamentalist pastors are not particularly known for being stellar writers, so most of the columns consist of transcripts of (often highly edited) sermons. The result is the same kind of long-winded storytelling style of presentation full of rabbit trails and war stories like this one from Curtis Hutson…

If at first you don’t succeed…keep badgering them and making the decision process involve less and less effort until they give in.

It’s worth noting on this July 8th edition of The Sword all three of the cover articles are by past or present SOTL editors John. R. Rice, Curtis Hutson, and Shelton Smith — two of whom have been dead for a decade or two. It’s a good indicator that their focus is firmly planted in the past.

Alaska Fundy Pastor Stirs Local Ire With His Views on Spousal Rape

Apparently troubled by accusations that Independent Baptist pastors were covering up cases of spousal rape, Ron Hamman of Independent Baptist Church of Wasilla took to the local newspaper and wrote a compassionate and thoughtful response (Or, you know, whatever the complete opposite of compassionate and thoughtful is).

He said in part:

I, for one, have never had any woman make such an allegation against her husband to me. But even if these accusations are as vast as alleged, there are major problems with them from a Biblical standpoint.

For instance, there is the problem of truth. That is, this kind of allegation becomes her word against his word. And while I understand that in Alaska the lone female is able to convict her alleged perpetrator, this goes contrary to the Bible. In the book of Deuteronomy we find the following: “One witness shall not rise up against a man for any iniquity, or for any sin, in any sin that he sinneth: at the mouth of two witnesses, or at the mouth of three witnesses, shall the matter be established.”

While this may be a problem for some in that this is Old Testament, this is carried over into the Christian era in Matthew 18: “But if he will not hear thee, then take with thee one of two more, that in the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established.”

The purpose for this is the preservation of justice. The truth is that people, including women, can lie. Thus, in not requiring two or three witnesses to the event, Alaska statute proves itself to be unjust, and likewise those legislators responsible for it. But then again, what more can we expect from the lost?

But this is not the only problem. The next question we need to ask is to whom does the body belong? While in our day of feminism it is asserted that a woman’s body is her own. Biblically speaking, this is only true prior to marriage, for in Paul’s first epistle to the Corinthians we read:

“Let the husband render unto the wife due benevolence: and likewise also the wife unto the husband. The wife hath not power of her own body, but the husband: and likewise also the husband hath not power of his own body, but the wife.”

The truth is that God has given to us physical needs we commonly refer to as a “sex drive,” and he has designed for these to be met within the bounds of marriage. The trouble comes when one spouse or the other decides to exact retaliation against the other because of some offense and withholds him or herself from his or her mate. This is wickedness, and such is a violation of the spirit of marriage on the part of the withholder.

Thus, if these allegations of spousal rape are due to the wife withholding herself in attempt to control or punish her husband, she is out of line with God. And it doesn’t matter how many laws are passed, it will just be another reason why God will not bless America.

But then again, this is how far out of line with God America is.

I just love to see a man of God being salt and light in his community, don’t you?

The paper has since printed an apology which contains a rather ambiguous quote from Hamman by way of clarification of his position. Then again, one is not exactly sure why a paper would continue to print the ramblings of a pastor whose list of past topics includes “Will The Antichrist Be A Homosexual?” and “King James Bible critics speak in catchphrases.”

The Gospel practically drips from every sentence this man writes.

A silly blog dedicated to Independent Fundamental Baptists, their standards, their beliefs, and their craziness.