Here’s some video of special music from the the Mount Carmel Baptist Church who’s website was featured in our last post.
I’m sure the singer is doing his best and singing from his heart but the build up of talking about how nervous his is and how we should all “pray for him” while he sings just tickles me. It puts so much focus on the singer that whatever (or Whomever) he’s singing about just gets completely lost in the mix.
The sweet irony here is that in the Old Testament the year of jubilee was when the slaves were freed and forgiven their debts — which is kind of exactly the opposite at what goes on in these fundyfests.
Today’s challenge is to write a personal ad for looking for a spouse in fundyland. You can either describe yourself as you were back in the day, the perfect mate you thought you wanted, or the traits of someone you actually knew.
“SWM seeks dress-wearing pianist for ministry possibilities. Must possess own piano …”
(I would like to apologize in advance for the sidebar ads this is likely to generate)
A silly blog dedicated to Independent Fundamental Baptists, their standards, their beliefs, and their craziness.