Hyles Grad and Michigan Pastor Tedd Butler Brought Up on Child Molestation Charges

And now there’s yet another Hyles grad from Michigan who has allegedly got a thing for boys in his congregation. WoodTV.com reports:

The pastor of a Walker Baptist church is expected in court Thursday to face charges he sexually assaulted two boys, each under 13, that he met through the church.

The Rev. Tedd Butler, pastor of the Gospel Light Baptist Church, is accused of two separate offenses.

In Ottawa County, he’s facing second-degree sexual assault — that is, improper touching – in Ottawa County’s Tallmadge Township. Records show he lives in that township, but it’s not known whether these alleged offenses happened at his home.

But in northern Kent County, authorities told 24 Hour News 8 he’s being charged with first-degree sexual assault with a different boy.

Ottawa County investigators said the alleged assaults happened years ago.

Butler, 46, is married with children and has no criminal record.

What the article doesn’t mention is that Tedd Butler graduated from Hyles Anderson College in 1988 and from Crown Bible College in 1998. I’m thinking this map might be a good place to start in picking pastors to keep an eye on.

It’s worth noting that the church website has apparently been taken down.

(photo taken from here)


Are they Catholic? Dunk them well and pray that it will serve to cleanse them of their popish ways.

Are they Anglican? Send them under the water and command them to drink no more.

Are they Presbyterian? Bury them in the baptismal pool and tell them that it’s a good thing they didn’t show up to heaven merely sprinkled.

Are they Methodist? Tell them grab their noses and prepare for immersion for their baby baptism just doesn’t cut it.

Are they Southern Baptist? Wash them again and pray that the stench of their old NIV will not linger upon them.

Are they Independent Fundamental Pre-Trip King-James-Only Soulwinning Baptists? If they have walked the aisle again and prayed The Prayer again then baptise them again just in case.

For the baptism of water may only be a symbol to us but it’s useful for separating the congregation of the blessed from those who will likely be left standing outside the gate. It’s not so much what you’re being baptized into, after all. It’s what you’re being baptized against.

1 Corinthians 13 (Annotated)

1 Corinthians 13 as found in the greater annotated Saved, Separated, And Soul-Winning Study Bible

Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels (not that those gifts are still for today you understand), and have not charity(which is such a much better word that “love” don’t you think?) , I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal (only we don’t use cymbals unless it’s to play John Phillips Sousa). And though I have the gift of prophecy (Since I’m the pastor you know I do!), and understand all mysteries (I’m the pastor that’s a given!), and all knowledge (have you seen the diplomas on my wall??); and though I have all faith (which I pretty much do), so that I could remove mountains (or at least remove people from the membership rolls that I don’t like), and have not charity(that word is really hard to understand we’ll get back to this later), I am nothing. And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor (not that we actually go in for that kind of thing around here) , and though I give my body to be burned (probably by Roman Catholics), and have not charity, it profiteth me nothing. Charity suffereth long (oh, how I suffer! I haven’t had a new car in months!), and is kind (to those who deserve it and aren’t liberals); charity envieth not (no problem here, I’m already the best at everything); charity vaunteth not itself (whoops. go back and scratch out that last note), is not puffed up (Again this is confusing. I’m assuming this is a reference to being gay), Doth not behave itself unseemly (no rock music or britches on women), seeketh not her own (eh?), is not easily provoked(unless of course it’s holy anger which all of mine is), thinketh no evil(no bad shows on TV, amen?); Rejoiceth not in iniquity(Doesn’t vote Democrat), but rejoiceth in the truth(Votes Republican); Beareth all things(it doesn’t say “bareth” amen? so you women keep yourselves covered), believeth all things(at least the things I tell you to believe), hopeth all things(I hope I get a better bonus this year), endureth all things(like me putting up with you more sinful folk). Charity never faileth. (at least as long as you stay on my good side.)

And all God’s people said?

A silly blog dedicated to Independent Fundamental Baptists, their standards, their beliefs, and their craziness.