Tedd Butler Update: Looking for Information

Normally here on SFL we’re more involved in simply commenting on what’s going on instead of getting directly involved in the cases themselves. However, today I spoke to the detective who is currently investigating Tedd Butler and I agreed to put out a call for information to the community at large here.

If anybody in the SFL community knew Tedd Butler back in the day or ran in the same circles and churches that he did, I’d ask that you consider giving the investigating detective a call and giving him whatever information you can about what kind of a person he was or anything else that you can remember about him. They’re in the process of trying to piece together the bigger story of what kind of man Tedd is and where he comes from and any help you can provide would be much appreciated whether that’s information that’s good, bad, or indifferent.

Here is the contact information:

SFL Back To School Day 1: Recruits For The Lord’s Army

The mission of any fundamentalist school is clearly to mold and shape young, impressionable minds into being the next generation of fundamentalists. Of course this is expressed in phrases like “building servant-leaders” or “preparing the next generation to win the world” but in reality the motto is always the same: “trying desperately to keep our separatist sect alive.” And so on the first day of school, a fresh new band of recruits heads into Mrs. Miller’s K-5 Class to begin basic training as soldier’s in the Lord’s Army.

The lessons taught in fundy kindergarten are not all that different from those taught in kindergartens anywhere else except that while doing their math and Phonics-based reading curriculum the little girls wear dresses, the little boys wear clip-on ties, and the threat of corporal punishment (whether at school or back at home) always lingers in the air. There are also daily prayers, lessons on the great evils of selfishness and sloth, and Bible verse memorization.

That last one gives, perhaps, one of the greatest insights that into the priorities of both fundy schools and fundamentalism in general. For rather than memorizing verses that are full of the Gospel, most fundy schools instead for a steady diet of law and moralism for their youngsters. “Get them guilty and keep them that way” could be the theme for just about any class.

“Foolishness is bound in the heart of a child but the rod of correction shall drive it far from him.”

“Children obey your parents in the Lord for this is right.”

“Be sure your sin will find you out.”

“Even a child is known by his doings, whether his work be pure, and whether it be right.”

Somehow we never got time to memorize this one:

“There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus…”

By the time a child graduates from a fundamentalist K-5 they are well on their way to establishing a cycle of inadequacy and performance-based spirituality that will stand them in good stead for the rest of their fundy lives.

Announcing: SFL Back To School Week

Since kids are going back to school and Fundy U’s across the nation are gearing up to start the new semester, I thought it only fitting that we take a few days here on SFL to dig into fundamentalist education and schooling. I’ve already done an entire week specifically on college but this time around I’d like to look at the entire system more holistically from start to finish.

We’ll begin at the beginning…

E-mails From Fundies

Today’s e-mail comes from Jerry Kaiser

Stuff Fundies Like Contact: You guys are a joke!

I am disgusted with you and your website. Any logical thinking person
that reads any drivel you put on your page can clearly see your bias
against fundamentalism. I would welcome a face to face debate with any
of your truth-challenged “contributors”. I am guessing that you could
nor get real jobs with a reputable news reporting agency and you have
fabricated this garbage. You clearly are troubled people.

And yes, his e-mail address is @juno.com

But that’s not all there is to the story. A quick search shows me that a Jerry Kaiser is the youth pastor of Gospel Light Baptist Church of Walker, Michigan. This is the church of “pastor” Tedd Butler who was recently featured in our news section being brought up on charges of child rape.

If you are, in fact, the same Mr. Kaiser then I marvel at your misplaced sense of moral outrage, sir. Perhaps your disgust should not be with this website but rather with the evil that has been reported in your own midst committed by your own leader. You can feel free to debate me on this point (face to face or otherwise), but I will submit to you that child rape is a much graver crime than poking fun at someone on the Internet.

Friday Challenge: Write A Covenant

Every fundamentalist church worth its salt has a church covenant that lists out in broad terms what is expected of the members. (In case it has been a while you can check out a good example here.

Your challenge for today is to write a fundy church covenant for accuracy. Here’s your shot to tell the truth about how it really works.

Thanks to Natalie for sending along this suggestion for a challenge and even finding the graphic for the post

A silly blog dedicated to Independent Fundamental Baptists, their standards, their beliefs, and their craziness.