I don’t usually go in for vulgarity on SFL but this was what popped into my head when I saw the picture and I couldn’t resist.
You know what I mean, jellybean?
found on Everything Is Terrible via Christian Nightmares
At about 1 minute in (if you can make it that far) the blonde lady apparently starts having some kind of spasm. I’ve been to a lot of different kinds of meetings that that particular ecstatic tic is not one I’m familiar with.
And yes I know the male singer is not wearing a tie. And yes this is most definitely a fundy church camp meeting.
It’s been a while since we saw anything from David Grice so here we go…
The combination of false statements and circular reasoning is just astounding.
“We know that Jesus made fresh grape juice because that’s what we use in the Lord’s Supper and we use it in the Lord’s supper because…that’s what Jesus made?” QED.
This notion of a Biblical mandate for Christian school is hardly unique to fundamentalists but the idea of the necessity of alternative Christian education is so inseparable from the fundy culture that it’s worth noting here anyway. To demonstrate the point here’s an excerpt from Dr. Charles Walker in a pamphlet entitled “Is Christian Education A Biblical Mandate?”