Are you a lady? Do you long to be a help to your pastor but just don’t know how? Well, have I got some great news for you! A great little fundy lady named Stacy MacArthur (who happens to be the church secretary for Jeff Owens) has put together a helpful list of things you can do to help your pastor even though you’re only a woman. Isn’t that swell?
These tips include:
Pray for him and his wife to keep your heart “tender” towards them.
Don’t put your pastor under a microscope
Examine your heart and make sure it is not holding any bitterness.
And then it really gets good with this…
We, as ladies, are not to say, “Amen” and stand up waving our Bibles in the air, but we can and should respond to the preaching by smiling, slightly shaking our heads in agreement with the preaching, and of course we should always laugh at the jokes that the pastor tells.
What great advice! I sure love it when women are forced to laugh at my jokes and I’m sure your pastor will love it too!
But there’s more!
Be a soul winner! Our pastors want the church house to be full. If we can fill our churches, we have a much better chance of fulfilling God’s plan, which is a part of our pastor’s purpose.
Seek to do things the way your pastor would want things done…Stop any and all criticism about your pastor…Give your pastor the benefit of the doubt…Look for opportunities to praise him…Find ways to thank your him…dress modestly…have a servant’s heart…
Do whatever your pastor says and then go out and fill up that church house, ladies! Bringing glory to your pastor’s plan and purpose is why you were put here on earth! (Well, you were put here to make babies and casseroles too but that’s just a given.)
Today I have a gift to give you all. I declare this day, the 8th of September, to be a Fundy Free day. I invite you all to take this day and with it pretend (to the extend that you are able) that fundamentalism and it’s ills and snares simply do not exist. Rise from your place and take a walk. Read a book. Say a prayer. Call a friend you haven’t heard from in a while. Turn up the radio and sing until your lungs ache.
And if upon this day you are a student or staff member at some fundamentalist institution and cannot very well completely ignore where you are then I would bid you to commit some small random act of disobedience today such as will leave a smile on your face through other days to come. Sneak out. Live free. Breathe a little unregulated air and know that life is still full of good things and freedom waits just around the next corner.
For it’s little good to be free if you spend every day obsessed with peering back into your old cage and rattling the dusty chains you find there. I love you all and I’ll see you again tomorrow.
This site is the epitome of a fundamentalist managawds altar to himself. John’s favorite pictures mostly feature…John. John and a regular rogues gallery of fundies including the infamous hatemonger and racist Phil Kidd. Don’t miss the picture of John and his wife being taken to dinner in a stretch Hummer. How humble can you get?
But the self-love doesn’t end there. There’s an ALL CAPS BIO and the poem that someone wrote him to celebrate 30 years of his ministry. And he even lists himself among his favorite quotes.
And his preaching style? Well, judge for yourself…
A New Hampshire man convicted of raping and impregnating a 15-year-old church member more than a decade ago was sentenced Tuesday to 15 to 30 years in prison.
Ernest Willis of Gilford, 52, robbed the girl of her childhood, the judge said in sentencing Willis, who had admitted to having sex with the teenager in 1997, who also babysat his children, but he claimed it was consensual.
Tuesday, the now-29-year-old victim listened to the sentencing via telephone from her Arizona home. During the proceeding, he read a statement apologizing to her, his family and the church.
Unfortunately, it appears that justice for Chuck Phelps and others at Trinity Baptist may be delayed yet a little while longer.
A silly blog dedicated to Independent Fundamental Baptists, their standards, their beliefs, and their craziness.