After Fairhaven was featured in a poor light on CNN for their discipline practices they apparently thought that this would be a good way to relate to the community:
They’re lovely people, I’m sure.
After Fairhaven was featured in a poor light on CNN for their discipline practices they apparently thought that this would be a good way to relate to the community:
They’re lovely people, I’m sure.
Oh, how nice! A fundy friend has sent me a card! Hello, cute puppy.
Oh, a plan of salvation insert? My friend knows I’ve been a Christian for 28 years now but I guess one can never be too careful. Let’s look at the rest of the card…
Wait, this is a Get Well card?? I feel so much better now! I guess a combo KJV1611 Promotion/Gospel Tract card really is good for any occasion.
If you too would like to bless the hearts of others in any season, check out
Read this letter and try to guess what Chuck’s crime might have been…
If you guessed “driving an 18 year old fellow-student to the bus station so he could flee this Fundy U and go live with his brother (since the only reason that he was Fundy U to start with was that he was being force by threats of violence from his parents to attend)” then you’re right on the money.
Chuck, you’re a hero in my book. Well done.
If all else fails, just claim that that Cathlicks are the ones behind whatever-it-is-you’re-against. That’s always an instant winner.