Ministry Report: Persecution!

Dear Supporter:

Brothers and sisters I’m writing today with a word of warning about the terrible state of the present world we live in. The foolish mind of the world has been darkened with apathy of the age of Laodicea and the prince of the power of the air has set himself in dread array against us. Even here in America, a country that was founded by Christians who were fleeing persecutions, persecution has come to our very own shores.

This past week we went out to preach against sin and ungodliness so we went down to the beach where there were men and women who were drinking and cursing and smoking and fornicating (or at least they were obviously thinking about it which is the same thing) and indulging in all manner of ungodliness. Brother Bob and I set up our loud speakers off the back of my pickup truck and we began to preach that hell was going to be hot if they didn’t get their act together and put down their beer and start wearing clothes that covered up the nakedness of their knees. Bob preached for about ten minutes from Psalm 69 but no sooner had he announced his text than the scorners and mockers began to laugh and jeer and make jokes I didn’t understand.

A few minutes after that the police (who, mind you, won’t even come out and take care of my complaints about my neighbor’s rap music so you can see their bias) showed up to prove again that they work for this world’s corrupt system by telling us that we didn’t have a permit to use loudspeaker equipment here. So I asked them if Peter or Paul or Jonah needed a permit to preach to which they replied that those people didn’t have loudspeakers either which shows that the police have become nothing more than the soldiers of Babylon. So after they told us to shut up or leave, Bob left off with Psalms and started preaching on the First Amendment instead for a while until a lady policeman unplugged his microphone and put him in handcuffs thereby violating both his constitutional rights and the natural order of biblical authority.

So after they stuck Bob in their car I decided that there was no point in both of us going to jail since someone needed to survive to tell the story of how much this world hates God and Jesus and the Constitution. I just weep when I think about what has happened to this country where you can’t even tell sinners about hell anymore without being thrown in jail. The time of the end of the world draweth nigh but until then we’ll need to take up an offering to pay Bob’s lawyer.

Your pastor laboring in the white fields,

Dr. George H. Huldenberg

Monuments to Men:

You could purchase a brick paver at the cost of ($75-4”x8” brick or $100-8”x8” brick) that will be installed at and around the base of the memorial. Will you help us with this project? If you are a Pastor, would you be willing to take up a one time special offering for this project? Several churches are contributing $1,000.00 and others are contributing less, but whatever your gift it would be greatly appreciated. May I encourage each of you to personally give to this project. Maybe you could have a special day to honor the great men of the past. Any gift would be appreciated, whether given by an individual, a local church ministry or by a Christian business.

If you believe that constructing a costly monument to a departed man is a better use of your funds than caring for those still living, you might be a fundamentalist.

A silly blog dedicated to Independent Fundamental Baptists, their standards, their beliefs, and their craziness.