A Woman Meets With Bob Jones III To Ask About Chuck Phelps

If you haven’t already read it, check out the transcript of this meeting here.

You can also find more information on the background of this discussion here.

I’ve had some personal interaction with the lady who had this meeting and I have ever reason to believe that this transcript is legitimate and accurate. It’s also appalling but that doesn’t come as any real surprise.

The Mission

The earth is full of pain and woe
And so a-hunting we will go
To save two legs or grab an ear
And make the sinful ones to hear
The good news of some heavenly sphere;
No time to fix the world that’s here.
It’s bound to burn before too long
And we will all have been long gone
The Rapture is our sure escape
before the world will Tribulate
Until that day we’ve but one plan:
To save the souls of our fellow man.
It little matters what they lack
Hungry? Here’s a gospel tract.

A silly blog dedicated to Independent Fundamental Baptists, their standards, their beliefs, and their craziness.