Sunday School Catechism

As written by KindOfBored, Myself, James,and various other friends, acquaintances, and minions. I happened across this while perusing my personal archives this morning and had such a good laugh that I couldn’t help but share it here.

Q. What is the book for thee?
A. The B-I-B-L-E.

Q. Where do you stand?
A. On the Word of God.

Q. Who is with thee?
A. I stand alone.

Q. Where has God prepared a place?
A. Somewhere in outer space.

Q. For whom is the place prepared?
A. For those who trust Him and obey.

Q. What doest thou ask of the Lord?
A. That He do remember me.

Q. Where should He remember thee?
A. Way beyond the blue.

Q. Who is standing in the need of prayer?
A. It’s me.

Q. Is it thy brother or thy sister?
A. We just covered that – it’s me.

Q. Is it thy father or thy mother.
A. Idiot. Next question, please.

Q. Who is on the Lord’s side?
A. We are on the Lord’s side.

Q. Who did not obey God immediately?
A. Jonah.

Q. Where did Jonah find himself?
A. Down in the depths of the deep blue sea.

Q. Why shouldst thou do right?
A. Because it’s right to do.

Q. For how long shouldst thou do right?
A. Until the stars fall.

Q. Who’s gonna get thee for that?
A. God’s gonna get me for that.

Q. What shouldst thou fight?
A. The wiggle worm.

Q: Up what shall we climb?
A: We shall climp up, climb up Sunshine Mountain

Q: How fares the countdown?
A: The countdown’s getting lower every day

Q: What did the Lord told Noah?
A: To build the arky, arky

Q: And wherefore was this arky?
A: For the floody, floody

Q: When are we to be happy?
A: We are in-right, out-right, up-right, down-right…happy all the time

Q: Who hath many sons?
A: Father Abraham hath many sons.

Q: Father Abraham hath many sons?
A: Right Arm. Left Arm. Right Foot. Left Foot.

Q:What if the devil does not like it?
A: He may sit on a bomb. Boom.

Q. What else may the devil sit upon?
A. He may sit on a tack. Ouch!

Q. What doest thou have?
A. I have the joy, joy, joy.

Q. Where doest thou have it?
A. Down in my heart.

Q. Where?
A. Down in my heart.

Q. Where?
A. Down in my heart.

Q. For how long is the joy in your heart?
A. To stay.

Q: Why dost thou read thy Bible and pray every day?
A: So that we may grow, grow, grow

Q: And if thou shouldest forget?
A: Then we will shrink, shrink, shrink

Q. How are we to be happy in Jesus?
A. By trusting and obeying.

Q. Is there another way?
A. There is no other way.

Q: If thou art saved and thou knowest it, how shalt thou showest it?
A: With the clapping of mine hands.

Q. Do you march in the infantry?
A. I may never march in the infantry.

Q. Do you ride in the cavalry?
A. I may never ride in the cavalry.

Q. Do you shoot the artillery?
A. I may never shoot the artillery.

Q. Do you zoom over the enemy?
A. I may never zoom over the enemy.

Q. Then child, in whose army do you serve?
A. I am in the Lord’s army.

Q. Are you down-hearted?
A. No, no, no.

Q. If you were a fish in the sea, what would you do?
A. I would thank the Lord that I could swim.

Q. And as a bird in the sky?
A. Thank the Lord for letting me fly.

Q. And since you are neither?
A. Thank the Father for making me, me.

Q. And not someone else?
A. Not you, but me!

Q. How many doors are there?
A. One door, and only one.

Q. How many sides does the door possess?
A. Its sides are two.

Q. On which side are you?
A. I’m on the inside.

Q. Isn’t He wonderful, wonderful, wonderful, Isn’t Jesus my Lord wonderful? Eyes have seen, ears have heard, It’s recorded in His word, Isn’t Jesus my Lord wonderful?
A. Yes.

Q: For what does Jesus want you?
A: Jesus wants me for a sunbeam.

Q: And what shall the nature of this sunbeam be?
A: It shall brighten up the corner where I am.

Q. What rings in your heart?
A. In my heart there rings a melody in perfect harmony, a melody of love.

Q. And where is your home, and what doth it outshine?
A. I’ve got a home in glory land that outshines the sun (HALLELUJAH!)

Q. What colors of little children doth our Savior love?
A. Red and yellow, black and white.

Q If thou art wise, where will you build your home?
A Upon the Rock

Q Where wilt the foolish build his home?
A Upon the sand

Q What wilt happen when the rain tumbeleth down?
A The house on the sand shalt go splat

Q. What is my strength?
A. The joy of the Lord is my strength

Q. What does He give me that I thirst no more?
A. He gives me living water so I thirst no more.

Q. With what does He fill my mouth?
A. Laughter

Q. What doth this laughter sound like?

Q. What else doth this laughter sound like?
A. Any number of dying animals

Q. How is the fountain flowing?
A. Deep and wide

Q. How is it flowing beneath the fountain?
A. Hmm and Hmm

Q. What didst David have?
A. Only a little sling.

Q. What could David do?
A. He could play and sing.

Q. What was close at hand?
A. Only a rippling brook.

Q. With what did he arm himself?
A. With the five little stones he took.

Q. What went into the sling?
A. One little stone went into the sling.

Q. And how did the sling go?
A. It went ’round and ’round and ’round and ’round and ’round and ’round and ’round.

Q. What went up in the air?
A. One little stone.

Q. What was the consequence of David’s action?
A. A giant came tumbling down.

Q. What dost He have in His hands?
A. The whole world.

Q. What else?
A. Any additional verses are unnecessary.

Q. Okay, skip it.
A. Thanks.

Commandments Concerning Election Season

And when it shall come to pass that another four years has come and gone and the season shall again turn to the selection of a new President that thou shalt surely gird up thy loins and quit thee like men to stand against hordes of evil, humanism, and socialism. And thou shalt campaign for God’s Choice of candidate with thy every waking moment. For God sits on His sovereign throne directing all things by the will of his power…but it’s the government who can raise your taxes and take your guns away.

And thou shalt craft thy sermons with care, drawing liberally (but not the bad kind) from the stories of Israel’s triumph and thereby destroying thine own made up rules about dispensations. Thou shalt cry aloud against the forces of liberalism (the bad kind) will be the very death of everything that is good and just and right. And in the day that the men (and maybe even a few women if God can’t find any men first) with the R behind their names are seated in power then will the windows of heaven open and our cattle shall be fat and our menservants and maidservants shall be many. And then shall all the congregation of the people know that God’s blessing and sovereignty is totally dependent on politics.

And when thou hast entered thy voting chamber and shut thy door, then shall thou harken to obey the voice of the commandment which was given aforetime that thy days may be long upon the earth. For to the candidates of the filthy Democrat and of the pot-loving Libertarian and of the new-agey Green thou shalt not pull the lever, neither shalt thou even glance in their direction. The fate of the country is totally and completely in your hands. And God’s too, I guess.

Independent Baptist Book of Everlasting Rules and Requirements, p 128

Spoofs That Aren’t

This is apparently intended to be a parody of “Bro. Weaver [Who I understand is Dean of Students and former Dean of Men at HAC] trying to keep WCBC ‘squeaky clean’ by kicking a bad eagle out of college.”

If you’ve ever been on the receiving end of this form of ‘discipline’ at a Fundy U, you know that this isn’t so much parody as a demonstration video.

A silly blog dedicated to Independent Fundamental Baptists, their standards, their beliefs, and their craziness.