Looking for a job in fundyland? Look no further than this gem from churchjobfinder.com
Thanks to the multiple people who sent this in
Looking for a job in fundyland? Look no further than this gem from churchjobfinder.com
Thanks to the multiple people who sent this in
The title of this post may seem unkind but if the shoe fits…
Update (3/13) After almost a month of this post being up, TeaysValleyBaptist has decided to remove the video. It’s worth pointing out that although that have been several claims that this clip was edited, it was not edited by me. All I did was embed the video clip as it was uploaded by TeaysValleyBaptist.
Today’s challenge is to look into your crystal ball and give us your best predictions about the state of fundamentalism in general, or specific churches, colleges, and personalities. Where will they be in 10 years? 20 years? 50 years?
Will fundamentalism go out with a bang or a whimper? Will they ever embrace new music and dress styles? Give us your best guess now and we’ll all meet back here in a couple decades to see how we did.
The piano playing in this version is classic “church style.” You even get the key-change-for-no-good-reason on the last verse.