Commandments Concerning The Start of A Bible College

For when it shall come to pass that thou shalt have spread thy seed and grown a church and hast watered it and fertilized it with such manure as is meet then shalt thou consider the words of this commandment to begin the work of a Bible College. For if thou desirest to be a real somebody and a household name wherever such of thy ilk are spoken of then thou must possess an institution of learning wherewith to train young minds and subvert old ones. Also it doth mean you’ll always have lots of young women around which is never a bad thing.

And the naming of thy college shall be a simple task for thou shalt simply name it for thyself. And when thy son and thy son’s son shall inherit all thy kingdom then shall everybody know that they too are in charge since their name is on everything. So shall thine heritage never depart from the earth as it is written “how majestic is your name.” And so it is.

And when thou has chosen the perfect spot for thy college in the church basement and hath stocked its classrooms with end-time charts and books that thou hast written and published thineself then shalt thou make the biggest decision of all: The Issue. For The Issue shall be thine meal ticket which shall give thee a way to declare that all the other fundamentalist colleges everywhere in the world (except those run by thy cronies) are godless, heathen, wicked, and apostate. But thou shalt need to decide quickly because most of the good ones are already taken.

And if thou shalt heed the words which are in this book and shalt never cease to use the rightful tools of guilt and fear and the worship of men then shalt thy days be prosperous and thy school shall have good success. And as thy students graduate after a couple years of courses and go out to start churches of their own then shall thy fame go out throughout the land. And then you will have your reward.

But be warned. One of those young men may himself want to start a bible college…

Independent Baptist Book of Everlasting Rules and Requirements, p 49-50

A Survey

An alert SFL reader recently received a survey from a Fundy U and decided to provide some analysis for our enrichment. The entire survey is apparently an exercise in denial that students may actually have left fundyland since graduating. Or perhaps they just don’t care about the opinions of those who are no longer in the fold.

“Did your spouse attend (institution)?”
I’m not married, but thanks for assuming anyone out of college must be. This would be the last straw to send me into a downward spiral of pain and frustration, if I still believed that drivel about needing a spouse to be a complete person.

“How many children do you have?”
While “0” is an option, the way the question is written tells me something. Namely, I should have gotten married, tsk tsk shame on me.

“If after graduation, you did not seek employment in your major field, explain why not.”
[see next question/answer]

“What is your current primary paid employment?”
Senior Pastor
Pastoral Staff
Camp Ministry
 School Administrator
Teacher (full-time)
Teacher (Part-time) [sic]
Business Owner
Business Manager
Secretary/ Office Management [sic]
Health Occupation
Day Care
Not employed/paid
Other, please specify:
First, I guarantee they made an alphabetical list (with not/other at the bottom, as customary), then pulled the Christian Service positions out and ranked them on top, then slapped poor forgotten Day Care on the bottom. Too bad they don’t list my actual profession or anything close on the list. Which probably explains why I didn’t use my stated degree towards it.

Which of the following best describes your membership in a local church? I’m a member of…
… a fundamental Baptist church
… a baptistic church without “Baptist” in the name [which are fully uncheckable to attend]
… an evangelical church 
… a non-evengelical church [wouldn’t every other category cover this? why not just say what you mean, which is  ‘an apostate gathering of heathens’?]
… no local church at this time.

In what areas of local church ministry are you involved?
Obviously, you didn’t actually expect the ‘no local church at this time,’ above, to be chosen. You must have included it for the laughs.

Which of the following best describes your current, primary involvement in Christian ministry?
I have a full-time paid position
I have a part-time paid position
I participate in unpaid ministry
I do not currently participate in ministry
I am between ministries [meant to make you scrub out your check next to the above answer and guiltily get back to that unpaid, 20-hr-per-week ministry you left] 

How would you rate attitudes toward [institution] in your local Christian school.
How in the name of sparkly unicorn droppings would I know?

How often have you accessed the [institution] website in the past six months?
I have no internet access [obviously the only reason your answer would be ‘never,’ so let’s just fill it in, hmmm?]

How satisfied are you with the Alumni Association’s contact with you since you graduated?
Well, I got this survey, so obviously they still have my address, so ‘dissatisfied.’


Have you ever gotten a survey from a fundy institution? What creative things do you do with them?

A silly blog dedicated to Independent Fundamental Baptists, their standards, their beliefs, and their craziness.