College Promotional Videos: MBBC Edition

I’m Gunna Apply from Maranatha Baptist Bible College on Vimeo.

I very, very rarely do this on this site but I have to give this video some serious kudos. The fundies in the frozen north are upping their game. This video is funny, it’s engaging, and it’s clever. I loved the shots taken at “made up universities” with degrees that aren’t good enough.

It’s almost like they’ve been reading this site…

Thanks to Eric for passing this along.


(Yes, I know I’m supposed to be on break but I found this late last night and couldn’t help queuing it up for today. And I know he doesn’t have a fundy haircut here but there’s a video on his channel of him getting one.)

More Copyright Threats

When I checked my e-mail the last time before packing my computer, I found the following…

Stuff Fundies Like Contact: Copyright violation

this is what we are referring to

This post as taken from against their copyright
protection and it must be removed immediately or churchjobfinder will
be notified of this posting.

It also violates their terms and conditions in many areas. The site
specifies that the posts are not ot be used for reproduction it’s
against federal law! however you can read the terms and conditions for

I understand you may not have known this when the article was posted,
but now you kno you are in violation and should delete the post ASAP
so legal action is not taken.

Here we go again some more. I’m going to assume that “Adam” is probably the same person who has been spamming the comment section on that same post.

A silly blog dedicated to Independent Fundamental Baptists, their standards, their beliefs, and their craziness.