If we are all sinners then why is my list of sins so much worse than your own?
If God own the cattle on a thousand hills then why do you constantly beg for my money to build His buildings?
If Jesus is so kind and gracious, then why do those who claim to follow him better than anyone else seem so petty and cruel?
If works do not save us then how do they then sanctify us?
If you had 507 people saved last year, where are they now?
If if our neighbor doesn’t have enough clothing or food and we do nothing but speak platitudes to them is that enough?
If fundamentalism is changing the world then why is the world so spectacularly unchanged?
If you love God and God loves the whole world then why can’t anybody see His love in you?
My friend, your life is but a vapor. Time is running out to do something great for God. You are only one heartbeat away from eternity!
So hurry! Don’t delay! Come quickly and join us as we go out to the highways and hedges to act like total jackasses.
This may be your last chance in this life to not accomplishing anything at all! Don’t let this opportunity be lost forever.
Apparently the dress code for some fundy churches isn’t as strict out in California.
I don’t know who the disturbed individual may have been who sent these letters but not only is what they did illegal but it’s really unhelpful too. There’s nothing like handing people the persecution card wrapped up in a pretty bow and then giving them free publicity and public sympathy.
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A silly blog dedicated to Independent Fundamental Baptists, their standards, their beliefs, and their craziness.