I was born in a lowly stable
just a little spotted calf,
I sensed my life would not be long,
I’d never grow to play and laugh.
My mother was an older cow
Who provided milk and cream
But as a male I was born to die
Long life was just a dream.
But still there was some hope for me
That I could do some good
I’’d heard about this royal chair
That started as some wood.
Perhaps my hide could be used to wrap
This man’s Scofield KJV
I’’d be the sword in the hands
Of fundamentalist royalty
Or maybe I’’d be the belt of truth
Wrapped ’round the God man’s waist
I’d hold him up as he preached the Word
and save dear souls with haste.
He’d pull me off for another use
When his children needed spanked
The rod of correction I could be
And later I’d be thanked
I have an even higher dream
If I could be so bold
Could I just be a leather coat
To shelter him from cold.
It’s really just a small request
It could hardly be deemed wrong
To be the garment that is touched
By the many admiring throngs
What’s this I hear you have in store
What is this fate I’ll meet?
I’m going to be a pair of shoes?
You’re going to put me on his feet?
Stacy Adams? Who are they?
Designers of men’s clothes?
How I wish I could just be a coat,
Rather than cover his toes.
Oh please, dear Lord, why must I be
given a fate so bleak
To have to endure smelly socks
seven days a week
But then I heard the Lord’s reply
and I want the world to know
That while the coat would keep him warm
His shoes would make him go.
The miles he trod to seek the lost
he made through snow and rain
and I protected him from the cold
and kept him out of pain.
I walked with him for many miles
I caught his many tears
I also felt his laughs and smiles
As he wore me through the years.
Now I see God’s bigger plan
that He had in store for me
Of all the things God could have done
I became part of history.
I never preached a sermon
I never read the Word
But I was there for every step
As he made God’s voice heard.
Just a humble little calf
born in a stable filled with hay,
What have I done in my life you ask?
This is what I say:
I provided soles that saved some souls
and filled some empty pews;
Without a voice I preached the word
For I became Jack Hyles’ shoes.
~~Attributed to “Pat”