There may no longer be kids wearing pegged pants or listening to hair bands but after 25 years youth leaders still don’t have to bother updating their rants against the Simpsons.
Of course those people still watching are now mostly in their 30’s but hey, who’s counting?
Women, did you have sex before marriage? Paul Chappell thinks you’re a “dirty dishrag.” (No mention at all of what men are like)
It’s worth noting that West Coast Baptist College has jumped on the TRACS bandwagon. One wonders whether pursuing accreditation will soften their tone in the same way it has at BJU and PCC.
No, this isn’t a post about the extremely dated book that I was forced to read at my Fundy U which included an entire section on matching plaids and paisleys. It’s just yet another course on “modesty” — this time by Diane Hay.