Category Archives: Odds and Ends

Fundy Comment Bingo

Many thanks to Naomi for putting this one together.

Other options she wasn’t able to fit were…

The passive aggressive calls to examine oneself: “What does this say about you??”
Don’t understand this is a humor site.
Drive-by postings
Usernames highlighting their fundy affiliation (HAC, etc.)
You’ll always be upset no matter what fundies do!
I’m unapologetic!!!
Shouldn’t you use a nicer tone to convince fundies?!

Readers Submitted Photo: Cards From Fundies

Oh, how nice! A fundy friend has sent me a card! Hello, cute puppy.

Let’s look inside…

Oh, a plan of salvation insert? My friend knows I’ve been a Christian for 28 years now but I guess one can never be too careful. Let’s look at the rest of the card…

Wait, this is a Get Well card?? I feel so much better now! I guess a combo KJV1611 Promotion/Gospel Tract card really is good for any occasion.

If you too would like to bless the hearts of others in any season, check out

E-mails From Fundies

Today’s e-mail comes brimming with probing questions…


I sometimes browse through your material you post. While some of your
criticism is legit, most of it is about as accurate as saying that all
Democrats are immoral liars because one of their great living leaders,
Clinton, was unfaithful and lied under oath.

I did have a couple of questions that I hope you are competent enough
to respond to.
1. Are you a Christian? That’s fine if you are not, I just wanted to
know where you were coming from.
2. If you are a Christian, what group of Christian’s or “Churches” do
you associate with?
3. Does your church or your movement associations influence your
opinions…or are you stupid all by yourself.

Thanks for taking the time to read my email. I’ll be looking for your


This made my day. Seriously.

Reader Submitted Photo: Flags Of Our Founders

Here we see the newly renamed H.A. Ironsides dormitory on the campus of Bob Jones University. Everyone can breath a sigh of relief that the KKK associations of the previous name that adorned this building have all been wiped away.

But wait a moment…what’s the on the seventh window from the left on the second floor?

Ah. Well it’s good to see that someone is keeping the grand old traditions alive on campus. That display must make the minority students on campus feel incredibly welcome. Well done.