Category Archives: Announcement

Announcing: Baptist Distinctives Week

For the next week (or so) at SFL, we’ll be exploring the “Baptist Distinctives” as typically implemented in fundamentalist churches. In case you need a refresher as to what the Baptist Distinctives are, here’s a handy acronym.

B Biblical Authority
A Autonomy of the Local Church
P Priesthood of the Believers
T Two Ordinances of the Church
I Individual Soul Liberty
S Saved and Baptized Church Membership
T Two Offices of the Church
S Separation Ethically and Ecclesiastically

Now since there are 8 items, I’ll either end up combining some of them, writing more than one post per day or running this “week” for longer than the typical 6 days of post. I haven’t decided yet. I’m just going to let it sneak up on me.

Taking off the Gloves

In my inbox this morning.

We have disabled the following material as a result of a third-party notification from Bob Jones University claiming that this material is infringing:

Dr. Rand Hummel Demonstrates How To Blame The Victim

Please Note: Repeat incidents of copyright infringement will result in the deletion of your account and all videos uploaded to that account. In order to prevent this from happening, please delete any videos to which you do not own the rights, and refrain from uploading additional videos that infringe on the copyrights of others. For more information about YouTube’s copyright policy, please read the Copyright Tips guide.

If one of your postings has been misidentified as infringing, you may submit a counter-notification. Information about this process is in our Help Center.

Please note that under Section 512(f) of the Copyright Act, any person who knowingly materially misrepresents that material was disabled due to mistake or misidentification may be liable for damages.


— The YouTube Team

Well…I guess that’s one way to deal with those who are exposing you.

Update: The sermon in its entirety still exists here: The clip I took starts about 17 minutes in.

New Year, New Feature

On a pretty regular basis I get requests for new features in the comment section. With hundreds of comments posted each week, folks want more ability to edit, quote, search, etc. Basically, we’ve reached the point where the blog comment function is just not up to the needs of the ever-growing community who chat on here.

In recognition of that reality, I’m trying something new (or old depending on how long you’ve been hanging around here) by adding a forum that will host the comments on the blog posts as well as giving you all the ability to create off-topic discussions of your own.

You can find it here: You’ll need to register for an account before posting which should take all of 10 seconds.

This will give you all more power in how you comment and communicate but, as old uncle Ben said, that means you also have a greater responsibility. Post wisely.

For the time being, I’m leaving the comment section on the blog itself live until I can get the bugs worked out of the new software and see if it’s something that’s going to work for us. As always, feedback and suggestions are appreciated. I’m sure there will be a few bumps along the way.


Top 10 SFL Posts of 2010

For no particular reason other than that I can, here are my picks for the posts that I personally enjoyed the most in 2010. Most of these are the products of readers suggestions and conversations with friends who read this blog. One was a a reader created video that still makes me laugh every time I watch it. My thanks to all of you who contribute your time and ideas to help keep this place going.

The posts are are in no particular order…

10. Car Codes of Conduct
9. Rapture Games
8. Naïveté
7. Cognitive Dissonance
6. Outcome-Based Justification
5. Strong’s Concordance
4. Awkward Visits With Non-Fundy Family
3. Separation
2. Oh It Is Wonderful to Be A Fundy
1. Soulwinning Dogma

Comment of the Year (for which there is no prize) goes to Jordan Poss who submitted a chart that is a thing of beauty and wonder such as I have rarely seen.

Two Years of SFL

Two years ago I got bored and started a blog.  It wasn’t the first time I had done  this — I’ve been writing somewhere on the Internet for the better part of a decade. But for some reason, people showed up to read this one and add their own thoughts and insights to my few ramblings and reminiscences.

Today, this site has had almost 600 posts, over 1 million visits, and (most importantly to me) 27,000 comments. You’ve all been very busy.

Looking forward, I honestly don’t know how much longer I’ll write on this particular topic — or at least write on it with this frequency — but I’m thankful for each one of you who takes a few moments from your day to read here and contribute to this community. I appreciate your encouragement and all the e-mails with stories and suggestions that show up in my inbox on a daily basis. I only wish I could do  them the justice they deserve.

Now back to the regularly scheduled insanity…