I’ve been working tonight to change the style of our comments here to a more threaded style so it’s easier to follow exactly who’s responding to whom.
To reply to a specific person’s comment, just click the reply button to the right and your reply will then show up underneath the comment to which you are responding.
There are countless rules and notions in fundamentalism that may not warrant an entire post here but are worth keeping track of just the same. To that end I’ve begun work on the Fundamentalist Rulebook project. It is a fool’s errand.
Expect to see a few of these appearing via twitter over the next few weeks.
I don’t usually promote other blogs on this site but I’ve been laughing so hard the writings of British fundamentalism satirist Revd Drayton Parslow that I couldn’t help but share him with all of you in hopes of encouraging him to write a whole lot more.
I’ve decided that any further follow up posts on the Trinity case or related matters will be done at my personal blog as opposed to putting them here.
I know a lot of folks enjoy the healing-through-humor style of posting and I’d hate to think that someone would show up here looking for a few laughs and end up with the emotional trauma of an IFB flashback instead.
For those folks who follow in twitter, I’ll tweet out whenever I post material on my blog that may be of general interest to readers here.
Now back to it…
A silly blog dedicated to Independent Fundamental Baptists, their standards, their beliefs, and their craziness.