This year’s edition comes from Terry Watkins at wherein we learn that the New Age Religions (whatever they are) have some deity or another named “Sanat Kumara” which is apparently somehow relevant. Fascinating stuff.
Any article about Santa that includes quotes from Texe Marrs has to be good, right?
Now that I have skimmed the article, oh please. Stretch points and cherry pick. On something that is not worth the time and effort the put into it.
I am glad I no longer spend my energy worrying about this.
Those were my exact same thoughts. How many hours were wasted on putting all that together? π
Once you start it’s kind of a snowball effect into total insanity. It doesn’t really take much inspiration to go total nutcase.
Ah yes Satan Claus. I remember working on the bus and other workers wanting to tell the kids there is no Sanya, but being afraid their parents would get mad. Ho ho! Santa wins!
There’s no Sanya?
So are the maps of China wrong?
I find this a little humerous.
The link you are accessing has been blocked by the Barracuda Web Filter because it contains content belonging to the category of: Intolerance & Hate
If you believe this is an error or need to access this link please contact your administrator.
Yep, my work’s filter has blocked it on similar grounds.
I can’t tell if this is legit or not. π
It’s blocked at my work as well.
By the way, you’re blog is awesome π
I did look at the site, and “intolerance and hate speech” is a pretty apt description of it.
And I know people who sincerely believed this was just silliness and not dead on correct:
Gasp! π― Horrors! Not believe Santa=Satan? Stay away from such heretics, gid will surely smite them!
Come to think of it, He’s sure taking His time about it… π
He is, indeed. It’s true!
Or if he’s not, at least it’s an excuse to pull out one of my favorite palindromes:
A Santa dog lived as a devil god at NASA.
That palindrome is a thing of beauty … so visual! π
Wait, I thought Nick Saban was Satan??? I mean, just one letter removed.
Oh OK, only if you’re a Longhorn fan. RTR!
I could not stomach reading the whole article, but I skimmed the part about Ozzy’s insane behavior somehow proving elves are another term for demons. I’ll make sure to use that argument the next time someone tries to give me an Elf on the Shelf doll. “No Christmas demons in my house!!”
Somebody PUH-LEASE do a mashup of this song to pictures of Elf on the Shelf…
That’s the greatest thing I’ve ever heard. π
Okay, the weird little pictures are cute, where can you get a Baby Santa Demon in a manger? π
Santa on the Cross raises some interesting theological questions as well. π (Check out PJ O’Rourke’s chapter “Weekend Gateway: Heritage USA” from “Holidays In Hell” you’ll be glad you did.
I’ll admit that “Saint Nick” and “Old Nick” is an awkward coincidence. π
P.J. O’Rourke is brilliant.
Darrell, my friend. You’ve been had. That site is clearly parody.
And no, I’m not saying that ironically like the 42 year old hipster wannabe I am. It’s actually parody. Gotta be. Nobody can be that dense. Nobody.
Two words: Poe
(I went to Fundy U)
“A person who writes a parody of a Fundamentalist that is mistaken for the real thing. Due to Poe’s Law, it is almost impossible to tell if a person is a Poe unless they admit to it.”
A Poe is someone who sort of reverse-trolls; they put up satirical posts or rants that sound like they could be real rants. (Kinda like The Onion, except I think Poes try to skirt the edge of over-the-top and outright ridiculousness.)
Makes perfect sense. No way that site is for real.
No possible way.
Here is a news link:
IT…I find your lack of faith in Poe’s law disturbing
βWithout a winking smiley or other blatant display of humour, it is impossible to create a parody of fundamentalism that someone won’t mistake for the real thing.β
Poeβs Law also has an inverse meaning, stating that non-fundamentalists will often mistake sincere expressions of fundamentalist beliefs for parody.
You obviously have not looked at many fundamentalist websites, have you?
He admits that Santa Claus means Saint Nicholas, but then points out “Claus sounds a lot like ‘claws’.”
and that rhymes with Laws…
Also with maws, taws, cause, jaws, in-laws, macaws, applause, and … saws.
And now I hear Bob Preston talking about boys’ bands.
Me too! π
Approaching KJV-only logic here.
(snicker) Satan claws. π π
And a cat on the beach has Sandy Claws. π (ducks to avoid tomatoes)
Is “Claus” another anagram for “Lucas”?
Itβs no secret “Lucas” and “Lucis” is a new-age “code word” for “Lucifer”.
Yeah, apparently it’s soooooo well-known that nobody thought it even had to be said, ’cause I have never heard of that.
So does this guy dismiss the Gospel of Luke (Lucas in the original) as a work of Satan? π―
This is the only thing I did not hear in the ’70s.
Don’t forget, “Lucy” is also a variation as well, and it seems she’s got some serious ‘splaining to do. π
I hate the way she keeps yanking that football away from poor Charlie Brown.
Dude quoted The Onion as a source.
The Onion.
Granted, he knows that the site is a humor site, but…
The Onion.
To be fair, it’s not that uncommon:
He also quoted a citation by Gail Riplinger. And we know how trustworthy she is.
Does this mean the the Elf on the Shelf is part of the one world order? The Mark of the Beast? Bet there is a 666 somewhere on each elf!
As for other Christmas traditions, what could be made of the Caganer figures, little statues of people who, shall we say, are leaving little “deposits” under the tree. π― π³ π You can even get one of the Pope!
Or there is also the Caga Tio or “pooping log” which is filled with candy which the log supposedly emits when kids beat it with sticks.
The Caganers are … uh … fertilizing the fields for growth in the new year. Yeah, that’s it.
I was thinking about coming in after hours and putting piles of raisinets under all the light up deer people brought in for the Christmas decoration contest.
Ooooh, I know– make a little pile of small lights behind the light-up deer. Light-up deer pellets!
“Of course, everyone knows Santa lives at the North Pole. Brrr. . . Why the north pole? Nobody lives at the North Pole. . . Why did they pick the NORTH Pole?”
Because where else are you going to get away with keeping 500 elves and one very humble bumble in indentured servitude and not get arrested.
Global warming is sure gonna put a monkey wrench in Santa’s little workshop…
As the Grinch says, in one of my favorite Christmas movie lines of all time, “He probably moved up there to avoid the taxes!”
Why do these fundy sites believe anyone would want to read something that long? (did you go to the website–its like fundamentalism threw up on the page.)
And how do they get all these quotes from witchcraft books?
Of course any proof claimed always consists of strings and strings of Bible verses (KJV of course.) π
I can imagine the explanatory preamble that occurred at the Barnes and Noble checkout counter…
They forget that, unlike during sermons, their audience members on the internet can get up and leave any time they want. It’s only a question of how well trained their audience members are, if they’re willing to read the page to the end.
As for the witchcraft book quotes, I’m sure they read them for the incriminating quotes and nothing else. π
I wonder how they rationalize reading the Fifty trilogy. Surely it’s not for the sex tips, amen?
I really doubt that the people who write this stuff actually read all those occult books, any more than they personally saw the president of that company admitting on TV that he’s a Satanist. They just heard it somewhere, or read it on the interwebs, and that’s confirmation enough, hay-men?
“Lightning, like Satan, always travels the path of least resistance.”
So do I especially when walking across a busy street. Vehicular resistance sucks!
Water also travels the path of least resistance. Does that make water evil, too.
BTW, if you spell evil backwards, it spells ‘live’.
Seems to me as apropos as the ‘satan-santa’ thing
Don’t forget you can transform the word into “veil” and “vile”. If you put an extra “l” in there you get “ville” which is a French word and there must be some relevance there; I’m not crazy enough to figure out the significance.
Also, if you put a “d” in front of “evil” then you get “devil”. That can be further transformed into “lived”.
I’m thinking of more things to do with those four letters!! Help!!! I need to find a better hobby.
Well, Sudoku puzzles are another good way to waste time. π
Lives=Elvis (I’ll have a Blue Christmas with out you..) π
Terry Watkins has his on Wiki page. Probably set up by himself. I’m curious if his doctorate is real. (Like I have to ask)
Tried to view the link from my work computer, but our filtering software blocks as “Intolerance and Hate.” Well, there you have it.
The filtering software is right.
Hey…He quotes Gail Riplinger’s “excellent book.” I guess that means I ought to believe every word he says.
Paranoid conspiracy theory at its best. How the heck does one justify finding the devil in a shuffled anagram?
Switch the letters of Satan and you get Santa. Huh? Then divide by four and square the remainder and you must get King James I guess…lol. Maybe if I throw a thousand verses in there it will make it seem biblical.
Somebody has been watching too much of The Shining…
π I’d double dog dare you to write something along these lines except some poor soul would believe it.
NOW it was serious. A double-dog-dare. What else was there but a “triple dare you”? And then, the coup de grace of all dares, the sinister triple-dog-dare.
++++++++ for the CS ref
I love how every few years fundies come up with some new “facts” that make whatever cultural thing they don’t like be satanic. Makes it really obvious that they knew the old “facts” were weak. Not that they abandon the old “facts.” They just tack on the new ones. lol
New times call for new hobby horses.
I had a parent that would run around at Halloween and Christmas like Ed Grimley wondering if jack-o-lanterns and santa claus was okay or not. One year everything was okay and we would Griswold it to the hilt and the next year all the hand made decorations from years past went in the trash and we started “fresh”. People need to pick one thing and stick with it. By the way when I was stationed in England they called him “Father Christmas”. That would probably make that guy’s head explode
Oh, he covers the name Father Christmas.
I won’t quote that whole section here, for fear of stupidity overload, but here’s his conclusion:
‘The Devilβs stated goal in Isaiah 14:13-14, is to be god or the “father”. To grab that “crown of the Father”.
‘And what better “I will be like the most High. . – name to fame” than “Father of Christ-mass”.
‘And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven.
Matthew 23:9’
My bad, I didn’t catch that. I think I had a stupidity overload before I got there. Our home is very happy all year around, especially at Christmas (except when I threaten to build a fire in the fireplace if they don’t go to bed on Christmas Eve). I guess I am keeping my kids from ever reaching the highest level of celestial fundydom (that and I never taught them to play the dulcimer or the pan flute).
Oh, hey, look, more silly-ass exegesis. Verse 4 identifies with no interpretation required the target of Isaiah 14: “thou shalt take up this proverb [later translations say “taunt”] against the King of Babylon.” Not the figurative King of Babylon, the literal King of Babylon. Verses 13-14 are about the king’s hubris. In verse 16 ff. the outcome of his hubris is described: “Is this the man that made the earth to tremble, that did shake kingdoms; that made the world as a wilderness, and destroyed the cities thereof; that opened not the house of his prisoners?” This is a clear and exact description of the SOP of conquering Mesopotamian kings.
But I bet if somebody points all this out to this Grinch he’ll say it must be about Obama.
Santa… God’s Gonna Cut Him Down.
Found the YouTube story:
In the spirit of Santa vs Christ, I’ll see that and raise you this: π
Why are Santa’s minions all Hasidim?
Did you know that Christmas lights flash a morse code calling demons to the house?
Even the ones that don’t blink?
How do you know they don’t blink? It is probably on a level they eye cannot see, but that still imprints the message on the brain.
I don’t see them blink. But I don’t know they don’t.
Good, it’ll keep my dogs busy when they get bored. Aren’t dogs supposed to be able to see them?
Maybe my dogs know Morse code, too. Hmm.
I believe that this all gets back to one thing:
It’s easier to dream up ‘stuff’ like this and to teach it like some secret dogma than to follow Jesus and his model of humility, service, and sacrifice.
You know, I think it is about time for Darrell to have “Conspiracy Week” on SFL π
What did the dyslexic Satanist do last Christmas?
He sold his soul to Santa.
Don’t forget his equally dyslexic brother the agnostic, who kept wondering about the existence of Dog. π
Now that’s funny!
Sounds like we need the good old Charlie Louvin rendition of “Jesus Won’t Come Down Your Chimney” –
I actually heard this a couple of days ago on WTBI in Greenville.
Ah, yes, the Louvin Brothers.
The musical Jack Chick.
Wait, what? Those guys can actually sing. That is a nice tight harmony right there. Then Bro #1 gets talking. Stick to singing, Bro #1. If Joel Osteen ever had an illness where his voice was raised an octave and pinched a little, you couldn’t tell them apart. Conspiracy alert: Bro #1 is Joel Osteen on the DL. Now I don’t know if that’s right, but I don’t know that it isn’t.
Further, why the veneration of country churches and old country preachers? Are we to look upon them as Michel de Montaigne’s Noble Savages: somehow closer to the ideal for their lack of sophistication? For my money, those guys are a nearly inexhaustible fount of heterodoxy.
There may be an assumption that small country churches are somehow more authentic. But the preoccupation with little churches in the country may go no deeper than the fact that when they were in their prime, most of the Louvin Brothers’ audience was rural and working class. A small country church was closer to their experience than a megachurch in the city.
And yes, they sang and played very well. Many country musicians today count the Louvin Brothers as an influence. Most of their songs have a preoccupation with doom and death that, depending on your taste, is either disturbing, moving, or just a curiosity.
Is that a Capitol Records logo I spy with my little eye? They signed a contract with the devils who brought our nation to the brink of destruction with “I Want to Hold Your Hand” and “Little Deuce Coup”?
Oh yes, WTBI. My roommate for a short time (was asked to leave) was the son of the station manager at WTBI and had a show. It was called “The Gospel Battleship”. Fo realz!
I saw the word obligatory and felt like I had to read the whole thing. See what a good little fundy I am?
Of course it ends with the Sinner’s Prayerβ’. What else would a bizarre, ill-informed rant about Santa Claus being the devil end on?
Well, Apathetic, you can do what you want, but I went ahead and said the Sinner’s Prayer. Instantly, I had the urge (I think the proper term is “calling”) to write a lengthy, meandering article condemning the African beat of Rock and Roll. Did you know it conjures demons?
I’m tired of reading about the wickedness of rock music. Let’s go back to discussing the wickedness of the Viennese Waltz.
Big Gary, let each man labor in the field to which he was called.
Right now I’m doing research on some new band called the Beatles. If you rearrange the letters it spells Eats Bel. Bel is a demon-god. This obviously is a sacrilege of the Lord’s Supper.
And these guys use plenty of jungle beats in their music, causing all kinds of spiritual ruckus within the souls of their listeners.
Interestingly, Bill Gothard approved of Strauss waltzes, while simultaneously dedicating the lion’s share of his time in the 80s and 90s to promoting the “jungle beats” theory of why rock music is wrong. (Actually, Bill Gothard is the primary person responsible for coming up with and disseminating some of the crazier theories about rock music. Most of the fundy u materials are, by comparison, pretty tame. Their basic message tends to be: we just don’t like rock music [or black people] and it can be turned to evil ends so it has no place in the church. Bill Gothard’s message has always been that ROCK MUSIC WILL POSSESS YOU WITH DEMONS, literally.)
Nico, you can also get “best ale” out of Beatles. That reminds me, I need to go to the packy and buy some more ale tonight.
Also, you can get “e-bleats” out of that, which is what sheeple do when they e-amen or e-praise the MOG.
If he approved of Strauss waltzes, did Gothard approve of couples dancing? Because waltzes are, above all, dance music.
Deacon’s Son, did you know that you don’t even have to rearrange the letters in Gothard’s name to get “Got Hard”? Wonder what that’s all about.
semp, you are a woman after my own heart. Best Ale is much better than Eats Bel. If I may advertise a bit, SweetWater’s India Pale Ale is remarkable. Very nice bite, a citrusy-grapefruity aftertaste, 6.3% APV. I’m drinking one now. (Yes, it’s 4:45 am. I keep a weird schedule.) Buy some. If you like hops, you won’t be disappointed.
I dunno…this looks pretty satanic to me. Look at that oagan statue thing in the background:
Curse you, George!!
Claustrophobia: the fear of Christmas.
And if you rearrange the letters in “dog” it spells “god”, therefore we should all worship dogs.
Excuse the use of the f-bomb, but the “God” and “dog” similarities have been duly addressed:–qRj_E
And the problem with worshiping dogs is..,?
I dunno.
Dear Suzy’s Mamma:
This proves that dislexya is of the devil.
Christian Socialist
Dyslexics of the world UNTIE!
and then there was the agnostic dyslexic wondering if there was a dog…………….
Hey,dyslexics are teople poo.
Sadly, I would guess there are more documented cases of children being turned away from Christ by predatory IFB ministers than those who have been “detoured” by the tradition of Santa Claus.
Mark 10:16
Rearranging letters of “Santa” yields “Satan”.
By the same logic, rearranging the letters in “Baptist” yields “Bat spit”
So the logical conclusion is? Class?
And “bat spit” might be misinterpreted as “bat fecal material”. Either way, it’s a great descriptive term.
George, stop putting emoticons in my posts!
Somehow, to me, this fits in so many ways………….
+infinity for the Marx brothers reference.
You quote the Marx Brothers…. who are the Same as Karl Marx…. which means you must be a Commie…. which means you can’t be “saved” at all….. Fundy logic. Makes sense to me.
Mr. Best: I am a Marxist. I own all their movies.
Here is a cool stamp on a shirt:
Wow, I really want the stamp upon which that T-shirt is based. Anyone know if it’s available?
I want one of those as well!!
Now there’s a revolution I can’t wait to join! Dreamers of the world, unite! π
You can’t fool me, there ain’t no sanity clause
“Water’s wet, Sky’s blue, and old Satan Clause, he’s out there and he’s getting stronger.” (Bruce Willis, Die Hard 3)
Since this is not a joke, which I originally thought it was, I wonder: What could this author have done with his time, rather than wasting hours, if not days or weeks, putting this together? Any guesses?
Save string.
Figure out what to do with the pieces that are too short. π
Oh my gosh. The poet Donald Hall wrote about how he had to clean out his grandparents’ house (I think it was his grandparents’ house) after their deaths. For decades his grandmother had been saving stuff in neat little boxes and cubby holes — I can just picture it, because my late MIL did the exact same thing. All the boxes were neatly labeled, and he came across one labeled “String too Short to Save.” And that’s exactly what was inside it. I have always loved that story.
Well, I looked over the clutter in the article “by Terry Watkins” (briefly, very briefly). I got to the bottom and saw the question, “WOULD YOU LIKE TO BE SAVED?”
Now, having waded through all that garbage, my inclination is to want to say, “Sorry, Bub. I don’t want to know your crazy, mixed-up, hateful god. If you are an example of ‘saved’ then I want nothing to do with it!”
I used to be too polite to say such things. I may be on my way to saying them anyway, now.
What passes for Christianity these days is a real mess.
Gratuitous music video:
And here’s even more proof to back up what jesusissavior is saying:
I just read the Watkins post. I gotta hand it to him — that is the most creative piece of idiocy I have come across in a very long time. π―
Santa Kutra
Am I damned for thinking this Santa’s version of the Kama Sutra? It’s not like he and Mrs.Claus have anything better to do the other 364 days of the year… π
Dear Panda Rose,
Now I have to take a minute and gouge my mental eyes out. There are things that we just can’t unsee. π―
Gives a whole new meaning to “Ho, Ho, Ho!” doesn’t it?
Must make more elves!
I don’t know–he makes a pretty air-tight case. How can you argue against that many KJV verses?
Full disclosure. We do not do the Santa thing. Has nothing to do with fundyism, though. I wanted the kids to know that my labor, my love, bought those sacks of coal under the tree. We still have a lot of fun with the whole Santa myth, don’t worry. And they have been threatened not to ruin it for their friends who are still Santa Believers. Santa might not be watching, but I am, and you do NOT want to make my shit-list.
But perhaps the way I told them Santa was non-existent was a little over the top. I told them that one Christmas Eve I awoke to the sounds of some intruder in the living room. I grabbed my gun, peeked around the corner, and saw what appeared to be a large, bearded man taking presents from under the tree. So I capped him. π
lol! We do Santa. But the main presents under the tree are known to be from me. They go under the tree in advance of Christmas. On Christmas Eve, Santa places some small gifts on the end of their beds. They are allowed that gift as soon as they wake up, but they may not touch any of the presents under the tree until I give it to them when we are all gathered together.
It gives me a little more sleep in time π
(Although one year, Santa gave them chocolate, and there was a bit of a mess to clean out of the carpet when I woke up π )
In school, we used to sing:
Jingle Bells
Shot gun shells
Santa Clause is dead.
Someone stole my BB gun
and shot him in the head.
Now we finally know who did it: Nico!
I plead Stand Your Ground. (I was in Florida at the time.)
BG — Santa is an independent clause, isn’t he? I can’t imagine Santa being a dependent clause.
Nico — Good strategy.
I’m glad I had already had some coffee when I read that. It hurtssss usss it doesss. sssssss. Nassssty, nassty punssster.
Thank you, thank you. I’m here until Thursday; try the veal.
I just looked at the full website. My eyes.
If you thought Bro. Lawson was a conspiracy buff, wait till you scroll down through the Jesus-Is-Savior site.
But really, I feel sorry for this guy. There seems to be something in his mind, some real instability, that mere fundyism cannot explain. He does mention he has to take Percocet and Morphine Sulphate several times a day to deal with his neck pain. That may be some of it, but still . . . very disturbing things going on here.
Anyway, I wish him a Merry Christmas. I hope Santa brings him a lot of cool presents.
Like a charlie in the box and a squirt gun that shoots jelly….
You may have hit on his inspiration.
If you consume enough opiates, every conspiracy theory starts to sound true.
Just read anything by William S. Burroughs, for confirmation of this.
I am planning to show up at the article writer’s house on Christmas Eve dressed in a Santa costume with fangs and glowing eyes.
I will scream “You know the truth, now you must die. Ho ho ho!”
Let’s hope that Santa suit and mask are made of Kevlar!
He attacked “ho ho ho”???????? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. I’ve been in fundy circles for 35 years and haven’t heard that one. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
Santa Claus Conquers the Martians. If aliens are demons, wouldn’t that be a house divided?
The article spends a lot of time trying to prove that Santa is trying to take the place of God in children’s hearts.
However, no children I know even think about Santa outside of the Christmas season. They’re not praying to him in Little League asking him to give them a home run. If this is Satan’s attempt to usurp the place of God, one month out of twelve is a pretty pathetic achievement.
“This Christmas Eve millions and millions of little children will climb into their beds ‘looking for their blessed hope and the glorious appearing’ of Santa Claus.
“There’s not a Christian on the face of this earth looking for and longing for the Lord Jesus Christ as much as the average child looking for their Santa! A child’s stolen faith in the coming of Santa puts the Christian’s faith to shame.
“They are so excited β Santaβs coming!”
This isn’t a fair comparison to me. Every child much past age five KNOWS Santa comes the night before Christmas – they’ve experienced it for themselves. They don’t have to take it on faith. All they have to do is WAIT.
Whereas our belief that Christ will return must be totally of faith. It’s been 2000 years. Now, I still wait with expectancy for His return, but I don’t know when it will be and I have no proof that He will – just faith. The children, on the other hand, know with certainty that they will have material evidence of Santa’s coming spread before them on Christmas morning.
In the Fundy churches I was associated with there was a regular and cyclic hysteria over the the coming of the Lord. Every two or three years some political event would trigger a rapture watch and people all over would be certain the Lord was coming *SOON*.
Cornelius Vanderbreggan was visiting our church during one of these times. He was presenting his ministry in the Netherlands. For some reason, in talking to him, he made a point to caution me about this kind of expectation. He noted that the Lord had not come when the Apostles expected. Paul expected Christ to come before he died. John expected Him before his death. And for almost 95 generations after John people have expected the Lord to come at any moment.
He hasn’t come.
Now we have it as an article of faith that He will Come Again. But even if it could be tomorrow, it likely won’t be. And likely it won’t be this year, or this decade. It could be 40 more years, or another 2000. The point is not to expect His coming at any particular time, but to be ready when He does come. If we are serving the Lord, then when He comes, we should be ready.
I confess to being rather put out with the Premillenial, Pretribulation rapture sort of prophesy. There has been so much wrong about it, and it has undergone such radical revisions in its teachings and expectations, I look on it as simply another heresy. I used to believe it, as I did dispensationalism (another heresy, I am certain). Frankly, any “new” doctrine that comes along, not having a foundation clearly discernible in the understandings of the Church Fathers is probably heretical.
And what if He decides not to come back? I wouldn’t blame Him, by the way! But in any case I will still try to live according to His words. Even when I believe the least, the words of Jesus still hold the most value.
It isn’t at all like Santa. Santa knows when to come, and children know when he will come. But then, to Fundies, instead of Santa’s “Ho, Ho, Ho!” they look forward to God’s judgmental “NO, NO, NO!”
The thing about is that no one really seems to know if it’s a parody or not. I’ve seen it discussed in different sites. It was even asked about on Yahoo Questions.
Which either means that if it’s a parody, they should win some sort of special POE genius award. Or if it’s real, they’ve just handed us a buffet of snark material here.
Now I know how free-association works thanks to this man’s intricate understanding of languages that might sound a little bit like a word we use. Geez.
A little bit about the website master at JIS
From the Expose’ site:
The intention of this blog is to expose, in love, the errant ‘ministry’ of David J. Stewart, webmaster for and We take no pleasure in exposing others sins, however, based on David J. Stewart’s policy of rabidly (and often falsely) attacking other ministers and ministries, the public has the right to know about David J. Stewart’s hypocrisy in his personal behavior and teachings. Jesus loves David J. Stewart and invites him to repent. Our hope and prayer is that he will do so.
From the j-i-s website:
I may be a nut, but I’m screwed onto the right bolt (Jesus).
Oh yes. Santa Clause is considered evil just like Paul Crouch and John MacArthur. No egg nog either, it’s a “sin”.