Friday Challenge: SFL Halloween Party

We’re having a party at SFL today! Today’s challenge is to tell us what who you’re coming as and what your costume will be.

Feel free to pick either a real famous fundy or fundamentalist archetype such as pastor, preacher boy, or soulwinner.

Games will include a shouting contest and bobbing for prayer cards. A covered dish supper will follow.

297 thoughts on “Friday Challenge: SFL Halloween Party”

  1. In the spirit of the holiday, I’d like to come as something truly horrifying to the IFBX – the NIV Bible.

    But since I couldn’t move too well in that costume, maybe I could come as Miss Baker or Miss Barker (Dean of Women from BJU).

    1. Might not be able to move too well in dean uniforms either. I know none of the PCC deans were exactly light on their feet! 😉

  2. I would never be able to actually do it, but if someone showed up at a party in a bad suit; with the communion symbols morphed into some kind of sex toys, wearing a Jack Schaap nametag, I would have a really hard time not falling to the floor in laughter.

    1. A Reminder to Day Students: Eating brains is a bad testimony. Thank you for remembering this as you interact with the community this week. 25 Demerits will be given for brain-eating and 10 demerits will be given for exchanging brain recipes.

      Remember . . . .you can borrow brain, but you cannot borrow money to pay for gas to go off campus to eat brain.

      1. Seems pretty harsh not making even a reduction in the brain eating and recipe trading demerits for the good holiday!

    1. i could go along as your side kick dressed as a bungalow in Hammond IN with a closed door to represent all the people who hide when 1st Baptist of Hammond goes soul winning door to door.

    1. Awesome! I could go as Barak -and you have to come with me!

      (Judges 4:8-9) And Barak said unto her, If thou wilt go with me, then I will go: but if thou wilt not go with me, then I will not go.
      And she said, I will surely go with thee: notwithstanding the journey that thou takest shall not be for thine honour; for the LORD shall sell Sisera into the hand of a woman. And Deborah arose, and went with Barak to Kedesh.

      Also there is the added fear of someone named Barak…so close to Barack!!!

      It’s settled then. I have my costume and am ready for the bingo!

      1. John takes the fun out of everything. But seeing him and Bass on a date would make it a picture worth a zillion words. LOL.

        1. @John, actually I thought your comment was really funny! Barak was a great choice! I didn’t think in this case you were taking the fun out of things. But then when you come back and say, “Is it because I use the BIBLE?” implying that SFL readers don’t care what the Bible says, it makes you come across as thinking your better than everyone. Not saying you do think that, but it’s how your comments are being interpreted.

        2. @Pastors wife,

          Sadly, I was interpretted that way already beforehand. Pre-Bible quote or comment about it.

          Actually, the second comment was intended to be taken humorously–I feared it wouldn’t be taken as such(I even took it out, and then put it back-upon reflection, I suppose I shouldn’t have), but figured I would experiment.
          My bad. I should have known better (slaps self’s wrist)

          It is interesting though that any usuage of the Bible is interpretted as being that I think myself better than someone??? 😯

          Can’t wait for the party!

          Our entrance should be something else!

        3. John, it’s not that you quote the Bible. It’s that you treat everyone else as if we’re so horribly ignorant of it.

        1. Can’t do it Judge Bass-

          You know what a mean drunk you are!

          Plus, you aren’t the hero–I am the one mentioned in Hebrews 11 not you woman!

          (Isa 5:22) “Woe unto them that are mighty to drink wine, and men of strength to mingle strong drink:”

        2. Haven’t called one of thesde classless comments out in a while, but implying anyone that drinks anything ever is an alcoholic is classless.

        3. Actually Rob, John didn’t call Bass an alcoholic, he called her a drunk. There is a BIG difference between a drunk and an alcoholic…….a drunk doesn’t have to go to those stupid meetings 😆

        4. RobM,

          Classless like how you called Don classless for all those petty insults and vulgarities you just approved of with a high score?

          Nice to see you being unbiased, balanced and fair there buddy 😛

        5. @John, Here’s the deal. You antagonize Bass, Don, LMcC etc, etc, and you do it incessantly. It’s like you got a special version of 1 Thes 5:17. It may not be taking the high road to get fed up w/ the antics and name call, but they aren’t going around picking fights, and then crying when someone calls them names. There was absolutely no reason to call Bass a drunk for saying she’d need a drink to be around you at a party. It was kind of funny, cause most of us would need some kind of coping mechanism to deal w/ all the emotional chaos you bring w/ you.

        6. See, I told you that a woman to whom God gives authority pisses off the fundies. John can try to deny it, but there it is. Here’s another word for you John: Go find the bottle opener.

        7. RobM

          How have I antagonized THEM? Don and LmcC jumped on a brief comment I made to you in the other thread.

          I didn’t call Bass a drunk . I said when she is “drunk”

          Even she “got it”.

        8. BASS,

          Who said I was angry?
          I suppose that’s what you mean by your rude and vulgar urinating comment.

          I thought it was/is funny.

          Apparently you are trying to make me mad, but how can you? You’re just so funny!

          And remember, Barak requests of you Debbie, not the other way around. Read your Bible. 😀

        9. John, nobody comes to here Barak. They come to hear Deborah. And Barak does what she tells him. And I’m telling you to stop talking and go get me a Corona Light!

  3. I’m coming as Austin “Jack” DeCoster.

    When I egg a house, you have to call a HAZMAT team to do the cleanup.

    1. I will be a fundy preacher seeking your cash. I could tag along everywhere you go. I will be wearing a nasty suit, white shirt, parted hair and a friendly dose of self righteousness.

    1. Would need a book of lame jokes and inapplicable analogies and a boombox playing unsyncopated hymns. 😉


    2. This year I was going as Bassenco, but apparently I am not macho enough to pull that off, so I am going as a ghostly white piano.

      1. Well, I just read below and see that my idea was already taken, so I guess I will go as Arlin Horton.

        1. …or King Eglon. Decsions, decesions…..

          Gotta hurry if I’m going to be in time for the festivities…..

        2. See above. It’s settled now.

          Barak the Baptist!

          (alias John the Judge)

          Now I can concentrate on my sermon for the preaching contest “What’s Wrong With White Piano’s, Dinosaurs & CCM loving Women Preachers”
          ….it’s going ot be a masterpiece with plenty of “uh’s” and southern cliches. All absolutley alliterated.
          You’ll love it!

    1. That’s close to what we’re doing. I’m coming as white piano and my wife is coming as a black piano.

        1. Stan – you can never have enough white pianos!
          (even if RobM is so backslidden that he can’t see them 😆 )

  4. I’ll be coming as “Fundy Soulwinner chased away by snapping dog at 7am on a Saturday.” The costume will include an ankle-length khaki skirt with a little stuffed toy Jack Russell attached to the rear.

  5. If I was a guy, I’d come as John the Baptist, just to show them that just because John was called a “Baptist”, it’s because he was baptizing people, not because of his doctrine (it wouldn’t line up with Baptists anyway!).

    1. Or I could just come dressed as myself, since my name is John and I am a Baptist….and JTB and I agree totally on what baptism is and isn’t—he only immersed.

      Thanks for the idea!

      (Though I might as well wear the camel hair coat and bring some grasshoppers–more fun that way–me and JTB have alot in common, he made people mad witht he truth and they ended up killing him for it–the legalist! Of course Jessu said a greater man had never been born among women than ‘ol John)

        1. And I knew him not: but that he should be made manifest to Israel, therefore am I come baptizing with water. John 1:31

          It is interesting to note that the pharisees, who were not baptized, were the main group to reject Jesus Christ.

          I am not against baptism, and I don’t think it saves, but John’s baptism before the cross, and the Apostle’s baptism after, are totally different things.

  6. I’m coming as that heretic, Mother Theresa of Calcutta. Nothing scares fundies more than a Catholic doing good works for other people 😀

  7. Don’t know if I can top those responses, but I do know what I’ll be thinking of today as I’m checking continuity in electrical circuits.

    Ooh. Maybe I’ll stay in my camo for Halloween. You know those wimmens should be home cooking instead of working.

  8. I’m going as Tobias Funke from Arrested Development to a party tonight. I suppose with the repressed homosexuality and pathological fear of being nude I could also double as a fundy man’o’gid.

      1. Is it too late to register for the preaching contest? I got some pet peeves I wanted to vehemently condemn with no Scriptural support, although if you had a Scripture requirement, I can easily make some old KJV language say what I’m mad at is wrong. Also, is there 10 minute limit?? If so, can I request that my territory be granted a double portion? I think 20 will be enough to get all the ranting I have in.

    1. Will you be bringing a horse? If so we can also have a ceremony to give it an honorary doctorate.

        1. I am on the mend, thanks. Just tired and not hungry (which is astonishing for me).

          I expect that by tomorrow I’ll be eating my own weight in fried foods to make up for lost time.

    2. Sheffey — love it! I’m still waiting to see the sequels: Sheffey II
      Sheffey III: The Search for Sheffey
      Sheffey Rides Again
      The Return of the Sheffi
      Sheffey: At World’s End

        1. The climactic scene where at the end of the week of revival meetings the entire 3 families of predators comes down the aisle to accept Jesus, and surrenders themselves to missions work street preaching at the Aliens is so heartwarming, I can barely stand it! Even Ripley was in tears!

        2. Then there are the other movies, needing sequels all.

          A Flicker in the Breeze

          Bloody Marys of Morning
          Grape Juice of Morning
          Scotch of Sundown

          The Blogging

    1. I still think they are making that up, I haven’t ever seen a white piano costume at any party!

      1. maybe after you hear it you will see it “Thomas”
        then you can put your fingers on its keys and lift the top. 😕

      2. “Jesus saith unto him…blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed.” (John 20:29)

        😛 SFL: taking verses out of context. 😉

  9. I won’t be able to attend. We will be at the church’s KJV Baptist Bible Harvest Fellowship. I’ll be helping Mother all day because she has to fix seven green bean casserole’s and we both have to finish sewing my brother’s costumes. They are the trumpeters that brought down the Walls of Jericho. They are playing the offertory and it is “Joshua Took the Battle of Jericho”. I’ll be accompanying them on the piano. I’ll probably be Queen Esther or Mina Oglesby.

    1. Bless your little hearts! The Devil is really taking a good kick in the teeth from your wonderful, Godly family, CMG! 🙂

      1. I was thinking of doing that too!

        Although that “GLORY” photo from a few weeks or so back does give me an idea…just need to find a wig….a honkin’ LONG wig…and a corset

        Nah, I need to be scary, I’m going to be a bottle of “I-B-Cing (root)BEER”. For all those “weaker brothers” out there.

        1. Perhaps CMG can post a picture of Titus? Or you can guess and dress as him. Or you could just cross dress anyway and count how many heads explode.

  10. I’ll be coming as a bottle of Welch’s grape juice and my wife as a box of saltine crackers.

  11. I was a teacher in public schools for several years. One of my students came to school on Halloween dressed as a one of the math teachers at that school who was a BJU graduate. The student who was male came in wearing a long skirt. He also put a pillow in his shirt to give himself a humpback.

      1. This particular one did. Most BJU grads that I know do not. And yes I actually do know and have known several.

  12. Maybe Patch the Pirate or Sissy Seagull? I’ll sing I Wanna Marry Daddy When I Grow Up. Truly Frightening.

      1. And the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints which slept arose, And came out of the graves after his resurrection, and went into the holy city, and appeared unto many.

      1. Make sure the mosquito demons have long hair and big teeth – otherwise they’re not real KJV mosquito demons!

  13. I’d come as Beneth Peters Jones. I’d tirade against older women with long hair, tell fat girls to get skinny so their testimony will improve, and my perfect figure and exact crossing of the ankles will outshine all of the “feminists” here so that “I” will be the true reflection of Christ.

    (I’m not making this up. 😕 I have two of her books and heard her speak at a retreat.)

    **P.S. I will concede that she’s partially right about deportment. Too many fundy women forget that older women can be beautiful if they didn’t let themselves go. Mrs. Jones practiced everything that she preached. She looked as physically fit as a woman of 25.

    1. I should have just worn my costume and not read these . . . now I feel obligated to change . . . the only other costume I can get together in this short time is Lady Gaga, though.

    2. Actually you can just wear and overcoat with nothing on underneath for Mrs. Jones. I was a teenager at a ladies conference when she felt the need to tell us all from the pulpit that she wore a trenchcoat across the BJU campus and straight up to her husband’s office to suprise him. I always picture her in a trench now. Eesh, seared in my mind from my impressionable teen years.

      1. True…

        I knew the BJU campus could be bad for that (when I visited the campus I was amazed because because I’d never seen so many skinny girls!). I forgot that when I wrote my post. 😯

  14. I’ll be coming as 3 points and a poem, and I’ll keep repeating myself since Fundies preach the same sermons over and over again.

  15. If anyone has already picked that, I want to come as a divorced man who remarried a divorced woman, don’t worry we’ll be real quiet and set in the shadows next to the wall.

    1. You can sit next to the inter-racial couple that Average Joe is being. You guys can feel judged and out of place together!

  16. I think I’ll come as Jael, bloody tent peg and all. Nothing like a woman with initiative to freak ’em out.

    1. A lady at my old fundy church dressed us as Jael one year. Her husband was Sisera. They reenacted it and everything. It was awesome.

  17. I’ll come as a college rule book. With over 300 rules and several blank pages for spur of the moment additions.

    I kid you not 😆

  18. I’m dressing as a neo-evangelical, liberal, backslidden hippie. Yea, that’s pretty much how I dress every day.

    1. He always has a dinosaur tie on. those are hard to come by unless you buy them off his website. I’m sure he’d love for you to look like him.

  19. I’ll be wearing a knife in the back with a sign that reads, “Don’t worry, this happened because my pastor loves me.”

  20. I’m getting some friends together and we are coming as a Bible Club outreach. All the girls will be wearing culottes so we can run around with the little heathens, and the guys (who will come in a separate car) will be wearing matching flannel shirts so that they can be the backdrop when we tell the Bible story.

  21. I’m coming as the Rebellious Teenager–a denim skirt with a centimeter of my knee showing, a shirt that doesn’t cover *all* of my collar bone, and then I’ll look like I’d rather be somewhere else and only talk with other “rebellious” kids 🙂

      1. Better yet put two straws in it and share it with your boyfriend/husband in public, making sure you make eye contact with one another as you do so. That’ll send the fundies into conniptions!

  22. I’m surprised that one has yet suggested the scariest fundamentalist of all: I’d come as Gail Riplinger, toting an ASV Bible and a miniature Titanic.

  23. I’m dressing as a dinosaur and my wife as a human. We may be late though because we have been making footprints together in Texas for less than 10,000 years now.

  24. I don’t think I will dress up for your party, I will just come with my clipboard, white tennis shoes and CW pattern full cullottes and hand out demerits to
    -Anyone who is not adhering to the 6 inch rule between sexes.
    -Any woman who has anything “too low, too tight or too short” on.
    -Any man who’s hair is not tapered on the sides and back.
    -Anyone who crosses the ” no couples beyond this point” line.
    -Anyone who has not spent at least 9.5 hours on their bus route before coming to the party.
    Oh and those couples who “accidently” bump against each other on the hay ride will get double the demerits against them.

    1. We’ll call you the dean how about?

      I’m assuming you’ll be handing out demerits for any females that don’t have band aids properly applied in this colder weather, too?

        1. Am proud to say I was NOT a HAC’er. I didn’t really know what it meant to be an HAC’er back in High School, and not sure if I’d been into the “I’m called to be preacher thing” that anyone would’ve warned me about the dangers of HAC. I learned the band aid rule from a former HAC’er who dropped that precious bomb on us (I think) during Fundy U week over the summer. Was one of the best comment threads ever!

        2. You’re ahead of me, then. I spent four years at HAC without knowing about the bandaid rule. Or maybe it’s just in my subconscious or something…

  25. i will come dressed as a fat deacon with a short-sleeved, striped dress shirt, patterned tie which is too short, sansabelt slacks, and a combover.

  26. I’m going to come as a weaker brother with an anti-beer t-shirt, a box of Uno cards, and ear plugs so I don’t hear anything that sears my conscience.

  27. Oh I am totally coming as Beneth Jones. I haven’t read the comments yet so I hope I’m not going to be matching anyone . . .

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