Being a Sunbeam

I don’t know why but it seems that a lot of fundamentalists have owned this album and made their kids listen to it repeatedly.

This is going to cause some of you to have flashbacks. I’m truly sorry but I feel compelled to share this anyway.

62 thoughts on “Being a Sunbeam”

  1. Well, that’s the face they want people to have. And it’s on a puppet. How appropriate.

  2. Future Bride of Chucky… after the whole Fundy thing finally drives her mad, she leaves the movement, meets up with Chucky and they go on a head spinning rampage.

    One other ovservation:
    “Why so…. S-e-r-i-o-u-s?” (The same makeup artist must have done her and Heath Ledger.)

  3. Forget that- Ugh- I think I’ll stick with my generations song – The Poochy Lip

    The Poochy lip will get you if you don’t watch out
    The Poochy lip will get you if you start to pout
    So take this little tip – and watch your lower lip
    And chase away the poochy lip disease.

  4. It made me think of the Elizabeth Taylor version of Cat on a Hot Tin Roof (1958). That’s the song the no-neck monsters sing for Big Daddy.

    That video was certified nightmare fuel, by the way.

  5. Of all the junk I was forced to listen to as a kid, Marcy (thankfully) was not one of them. The song, however, I remember learning in Sunday School. Ugh.

    @phil: Patch the Pirate, right? I was raised on those tapes and I remember having Ron Hamilton and his family coming to our church when I was a kid.

  6. @ Amanda :Yes the poochy lip is Patch the Pirate. I only had a couple of the tapes (when they were still on tapes). My first three were PaTch the Pirate sing along , Camp Kookawaka Woods, and The Great American Time Machine. Later on I think I had one more. I would listen to them on the way to school back when I was in elementary and in another state.

    One of the former pastor of the church I’m at goes to church with Ron Hamilton.

  7. Yup! We had one or two Little Marcy records. I’d NEVER before seen her on video though – scary!

    I still remember one by heart – Little Marcy’s song about Daniel:

    Daniel in the lions’ den – Grrrr! Grrrr!
    Looked around and then and then – Grrr! Grrr!
    Look up to his God above;
    He was safe while in God’s love.
    God just shut the lions’ mouth!
    They couldn’t . . . even . . . roar!

    I can even in sing it in an earnest, syruppy sweet little girl voice too. LOL

  8. Sweet Holy Mother of Puppies! I’d forgotten just how scary that puppet thing was!

  9. @phil: Thought so. I know we Camp Kookawaka Woods and The Great American Time Machine, though I think we had some of the others, too.

  10. I would not care whether or not a church used Patch the Pirate. Some of those songs are like Christinized versions of kids songs. Some of the songs on theire are OK, but alot of those songs just seem more silly and getting sillier. i think he had some more serious songs and themes on thre whenI was a kid. Maybe I’m wrong on that.

  11. I only remember Patch the Pirate because they were on cool yellow tapes! Haha
    Thankfully I was never exposed to little Chucky’s wife (lol @Don).

  12. Unfotunately I was exposed to chucky. After I sawsome of it as an eight year old I was scared of it for the majority of my kid life. i still don’t like evil dolls/puppets

  13. Holy crap, Chucky’s sister is dancing and wearing a rainbow shirt! Throw in a good house re-mix and she’s ready for a gay club…

  14. Not only did I listen to Little Marcy (the video version is quite, quite rare, you know), I credit her chipper “Jesus Knocks, Knocks, Knocks at the Door of Your Heeeeeeeeeeeeeart” for prompting my line of questioning to my CEF-trained mom that led to my conversion.

    So I’m filled with both sentiment and horror, charm and disgust as I watch.

    Like most things on SFL.

  15. So I’m filled with both sentiment and horror, charm and disgust as I watch.
    Like most things on SFL.

    Aptly put.

  16. Was this the girl on the “Saturday Sunshine Club” I used to hear on christian radio on Saturdays?

  17. I don’t know who I feel more sorry for – the person that was controlling the puppet or the person that sang the song.

    Someone needs to do a “Weird Al” on this one. Get the video then overdub “Highway To Hell” or “I Kissed A Girl”.

  18. I wish this puppet the same fate as those puppets on Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (the one with Johnny Depp).

  19. It’s like a train wreck – horrible and yet you can’t look away. There’s just something eerily creepy about the slow-blinking eyes and the plastic moving mouth of the puppet doll. And yet, it’s kind of cute. (I was exposed to many puppet-style children’s shows as a small child). Wouldn’t be so bad if little Marcy looked less like Chuckie (haha).

  20. I hereby declare Little Marcy a disaster area. This is a serious whisky tango foxtrot situation.

    And thanks for introducing this little horror into my life.

  21. All we need now is to find Chucky’s Bride, Marcy (Chucky: Marcy o-o-o-o… that’s creepy) find a copy of Marcy singing, “I want to marry daddy when I grow up” and the journey to the darkside will be complete. We will have come full circle….

    Maybe there’s a remix of, “I Believe, I want to Marry Daddy When I Grow Up , so I can Stand by the Man of God while being a Sunbeam, In the Lord’s Army.

    Dang, I wonder what all is Back-masked in that monstrosity??

  22. these records were long before my time, however, my parents thinking that anything “old” was “better”, meant that I was still forced to listen to some of this Marcy crap. There was this one VERY memorable song (I still remember the entire song):

    Mommy told me something, all little girls should know
    It’s all about the devil and I learned to hate him so,
    She said he causes trouble if you let him in your room,
    And he’ll never, never leave you if your heart is filled with gloom.

    CHORUS: So let the sun shine in, face it with a grin,
    Smilers never lose and frowners never win,
    So let the sun shine in, face it with a grin,
    Open up your heart and let the sun shine in.

    UGHHH. . Analyze the theology (or lack thereof) in that song. It is just so warped.

    1. IIRC, I think it’s from the Flintstones of all things, the episode where Peebles & Bam-bam sing it on their toys instruments (becoming one-hit wonders for a while). Imagine that, a Christian? song from a cartoon about cavemen. 😉 Couldn’t mention the devil these days.

  23. To the previous comment, the ONLY time I heard the song you mentioned was (get this) from a Flintstones episode. How weird is THAT?

  24. @Nathan — Yellow tapes. My childhood precedes tapes but children’s records were often pressed on yellow vinyl.

  25. I’m certain we had a few of Marcy’s records (thanks, whoever posted the Bizarre Records link) when I was a child. That was a memory so buried, I didn’t even expect it would be there…Wow.

  26. This is ALMOST as bad as grownups being forced to sing Graham Kendrick’s “Shine, Jesus, Shine.” Almost, but not quite.

  27. “So I’m filled with both sentiment and horror, charm and disgust as I watch.
    Like most things on SFL.
    Aptly put.”

    Totally! That’s the feeling I get while reading many of the posts at SFL. Because it’s so ingrained in me, if have this weird nostalgic feelings toward them, because they are memories. Also, at the time, they may have even been happy ones. Now, looking back, it’s the horror and disgust that kick in. Such a weird thing. Is it something like the Stockholm Syndrome, LOL?

  28. I like this site, but the comments on this post seem a little strong. I too remember Marcy. We were like 3 and 4 when my brother and I would listen to a record or two my dad brought home. It was innocent and sweet and did no harm. Adults analyzing Marcy in 2010 in that typical ironic, sneering way seems sort of ridiculous. We didn’t find Marcy creepy because we knew it was a puppet and back in 1966, we weren’t jaded, worn-out, media-savvy, cynical adults burned out on fundamentalism. We were children. My parents were conservative Christians, but not wing nuts like a lot of the leaders were in churches like Hyles. Just wanted to say that I laughed at the Chuckie comments, I but a bit of fondness for Marcy.

    1. Thoughtful post, the difference is that you could enjoy Marcy for what she was, when you were both kids, and that it doesn’t worry you now. There’s several people who seem determined to do it the other way. 🙁

  29. @ Ingrid, I know I liked the Little Marcy record my parents played for me back then! Not sure what I would have thought of the puppet had I seen her video though!

    1. It was indeed, and Jim Vineyard mocked them, and the adult Pathfinders, every chance he got.

  30. Get over it people! This was the early 1960’s, before digital cinnamatography, before Pixar and Veggie tales! This was cool to us! This was even before Sesamee Street! Rejoice that there was some sort of musical entertainment for us beside George Beverly Shea!

  31. Just stumbled on this post… wow Little Macy is a little creepy to me. I think I would have had nightmares!

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