28 thoughts on “St. Paddy’s Day”

  1. LOL I actually had a youth pastor at my old IFB church tell us to wear orange on St. Paddy’s Day. Come to think of it, I don’t ever remember anyone else in that church referring to us as Protestants any other time. (“Baptists aren’t Protestants! We go back before the Reformation to the early church!”)

  2. Growing up, we were told NOT to wear orange because Baptists are Protestant. I always wear purple out of rebellion.

  3. I remember on more than one occasion hearing a story of Patrick of Ireland being a Baptist (IFB type, of course) from some fundyland preacher/historian. I’m sure many years from now, history will be rewritten by fundies and the revised story of Mother Theresa will be told – a single, holy, Baptist (IFB type, of course) woman of God. I just love fairy tales.

  4. Cead Mile Failte…Erin Go Bragh. (There, I used up my allotment of speaking in tongues for today.) Enjoy and go have a pint or two!

  5. I had a fundy preacher tell me that Mother Teresa was not “saved” because she was trying to get to heaven on her good works. Ironic, isn’t it?

  6. Do I read that right, that there are baptists teaching that they came from the anabaptist tradition (pre-reformation wise), and that it had a line/history traceable to the 1st century? (compensatory IFB joke: sounds like an apostolic succession history to me)…

  7. I don’t even know where to begin w/ people that are so self delusional, and I feel fairly surrounded by them most of the time. Hadn’t caught wind of that particular made up history, but it’s always good to take a look at alternate universes once in a while.

  8. LOL it just hit me that the shirt I randomly grabbed out of my drawer today and put on is…orange.

  9. Definitely heard the “Baptists aren’t Protestants” theatrics before. But not the orange shirt deal.
    Regardless, I still got pinched when I arrived at work this morning, because apparently I don’t think about the date until AFTER I arrive at work. Good times.

  10. Baptist mythology is right. St. Patrick was a Baptist? hahahaha! Next you know, St. Augustine will be one.

    Hey IFB’ers – stay away from our saints. Go get your own.

  11. Somebody should write a response: “Brother Hyles was a Catholic” or “Brother Roloff was a Mormon”.

  12. There is a rumor that Hyles confessed to a RC priest before his death, just to cover his bases. So who knows . . .

  13. I believe the color orange is associated with the Northern Irish Protesants who were, along with and against Catholic radicals, causing violence and murder for decades in Ireland. So basically wearing an orange shirt is a “Sc***w you!” to celebrants of St. Patrick’s day.


  14. I laughed out loud yesterday when I started listening to a Fundy preacher claim that St. Patrick was a Baptist! The ignorance in Fundyland is simply astounding and inexcusable.

  15. At least that guy won’t have to worry about someone not seeing if his car breaks down at night.

  16. Been making my way through the archives so I apologise for the almost a year nature of this but St. Patrick/Irish history is a passion of mine so I couldn’t resist:

    To be fair, the position that “Patrick was not Catholic” is moderately arguable. I do believe that He is/was only Catholic because essentially every Christian in the 5th century was Catholic and it never would have occurred to him to challenge that (or even that it could be challenged), but he was not very good at listening to Roma and Rome was not particularly fond of him, his (poor) scholarship, or his crazy pagan converts that he wouldn’t make bow to Rome or even behave in a “civilised” manner. (Ironically, considering the fundies try to claim him, one of Rome’s chief complaints was that women had too much power and that he wouldn’t make them wear modest clothing) Rome spent the next several centuries trying, with great exasperation, to get the Irish church to be Roman and do things the way they were “supposed to”. That was finally fixed when the first English Pope decided Ireland would make a nice gift to his King and that the English could solve his problem area by MAKING the Irish come to heel and toe the Roman Catholic party line. (also ironic: The English forced the Irish to become good Catholics rather than a Catholicish ethno/national centered church then a few centuries later started a centuries long campaign of religious persecution against the Irish for being…good Catholics rather than a Catholicish ethno/national centered church)

    Anyway, the point of all that rambling (and yes I have over simplified bits for the sake of brevity) is that while trying to somehow claim that dear Padraig was IFB is pretty much utterly nutso, claiming he wasn’t a good Catholic has a moderateish basis in fact.

    That being said, I may be a Protestant but when it comes to my St Paddy’s Day loyalties 2 generations (including me) of Protestant faith don’t overcome countless generations of Irish Catholics. When it comes to Ireland, I’m Catholic and darn proud!

  17. I’m a Protestant from Northern Ireland, and yes, the colors, orange or green , have far too much significance. The Orange Order has become a by-word of anti-Catholic bigotry.

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