If you’re not following SFL on Facebook or Twitter then you’re missing out on all kinds of extra content that I post through the week. Even if I don’t have a new post here there’s almost always something to look at on the social media feeds.
(and if you’re REALLY bored you can also follow my personal Twitter account to hear me chatter on inanely)

This photo was submitted by reader ClosetLutheran of a poster he saw in a fundamentalist church. Since it’s a quick cell phone snap and the image is a little blurry, I’ve transcribed the text below:
Social Networking
Harmless Fun…
Or Evil Communication?
Social Networking…with names such as Facebook and Twitter…is considered by some the greatest communication tool in the world. For others…it is a considered a profound and deadly threat to the family and the Church
What is “Social Networking”, and what impact is it having in the world today…especially among Christians? This documentary examines this 21st century phenomenon from a practical, and Christian, perspective. Interviews include parents, pastors, and law enforcement.
There clearly seems to be ground for concern. And the the danger it is not just limited to teens and young adults!
Available through
Hepzibah House
Winona Lake, Indiana
$13 Plus $2 Shipping
I’m sure there’s nothing like the joy of attacking the new media that is exposing your secrets and abuses. There is something to fear on that poster — but it’s not Twitter.
And what is up with all the ellipses?
Update: Here is a link to a PDF about the Dangers of Social Media by Ron Williams reprinted from the “Hephzibah Happenings” newsletter.

If I get an online friend request or e-mail from PastorSteveandSuzySmith or JaredandHisLovingHelpmeetOverWhomHeExercisesGodlyHeadshipAndSpiritualCovering@juno.com it’s a pretty good chance that it’s coming from people who were part of my former fundy life.
The strange thing is that this is almost invariably an account used exclusively by the female half of that duo. The man almost never posts or apparently ever logs in even though his name the most prominent feature on the address or screen name.
Why do they do this? I really have no idea — but it’s far too frequent to be mere coincidence.
A silly blog dedicated to Independent Fundamental Baptists, their standards, their beliefs, and their craziness.