The other night I opened the pages of my copy of “History of Fundamentalism in America
†by George W. Dollar [BJU Press, 1973] and a pamphlet fell out. A quick glance revealed that the pamphlet (also written by Dollar) was a comprehensive listing of Schools, Mission Boards, Magazines, Radio Broadcasts and Conferences/Camps along with a rating of their fundamentalism.
As the intro says:
The following is a partial list of fundamental agencies according to their militant, moderate, or modified (New Evangelical) stand, affiliations, associations and direction at the present time. This will be much more meaningful after a study of the author’s A History of Fundamentalism in America where the reasons for the classifications are simply and plainly stated.
For some reason this document fascinates me. For one thing, half of the institutions and publications listed don’t exist 30 years later (or at least I’ve never heard of them in the years I’ve drifted through fundy circles). The ones that are still around aren’t talking to each other. They would be offended if they were put in the same column.
There’s apparently no copyright on this leaflet so I’ve scanned it in for your perusal. Take a look at it HERE
previously posted at DowBlog