If you’ve ever been a very naughty boy or girl on the campus of Bob Jones University you may have received something like this…
It’s funny how this sort of thing never made it into their promotional materials.
Since a lot of folks are asking how one accumulates 100 demerits, here’s a handy chart taken from the 2010-11 Student Handbook(You can click on the link to see all the details of the offenses and student life rules in general)
Here we see the newly renamed H.A. Ironsides dormitory on the campus of Bob Jones University. Everyone can breath a sigh of relief that the KKK associations of the previous name that adorned this building have all been wiped away.
But wait a moment…what’s the on the seventh window from the left on the second floor?
Ah. Well it’s good to see that someone is keeping the grand old traditions alive on campus. That display must make the minority students on campus feel incredibly welcome. Well done.
After a chapel message wherein Bob III addressed his stance on interracial dating/marriage, “Peter” sent a letter simply asking how BJU could take this this position since Moses had married an Ethiopian.
The response from BJII is below, exemplifying all of the grace, compassion, and wisdom that one would expect from a fundamentalist. Can you spot the bit where he goes really off track on the matter of which races are which?
To answer the question I posted above, here’s a picture of Emperor Haile Selassi I, “the famous white dude” and his wife.
One can only imagine that all through history people like the Joneses had in their possession a a sacred color wheel that they passed down through the generations to determine who is morally allowed to date whom based on shade, tint, and hue.