If you are content to attend a church that not only reveres Jack Hyles but also actually bears the name, then I’m not sure there’s much anybody in this world can do for you.
Then again, if you church actually started with all the preaching being done by Jack via cassette tape, then I suppose it makes a sort of sense.
My favorite page on this site is the Teen Valentine Banquet which was themed as “A Night in Paradise.” Apparently, there’s a no touching rule in paradise.
Today’s seasonal selection contains an evaluation of all the problems with various carols in the Living Hymns Hymnal.
Apparently, this guy has never heard of “poetic license” or “hyperbole” or pretty much any other literary device. I really wish he would write a carol of his own so that we can see how it’s done.
There are fundies. Then there are crazy fundies. Then there are these kinds of fundies who even make most other fundamentalists a little nervous. They are Baptists “like John the Baptist, our Lord, His apostles, and many martyrs.” Well then.
Since it is the season don’t miss the front-page rant on Christmas as spiritual adultery.
This week’s website pick takes us across the pond to the land of haggis and bagpipes, where apparently at least one KJVO sect is alive and well.
Don’t miss all the great articles and animated gifs sprinkled through the site. And since we’re in the season, don’t miss the ubiquitous Santa Claus Rant!
Do you have a small business you’d like to promote online? Are you a fundamentalist? Why pay for two separate websites when you can promote both things on the same page?? Witness while you work!
It’s a great idea if the only people you ever hope to have as customers are your fellow fundies.
A silly blog dedicated to Independent Fundamental Baptists, their standards, their beliefs, and their craziness.