Category Archives: Websites

FWOTW: The Center For Expository Preaching

Today’s website pick is the The Center For Expository Preaching a place where you can get a real Bible college doctorate from a real Bible college no matter what your education level. It’s got super-low tuition, no books to purchase, and apparently has graduated at least two people.

If you’re too lazy to actually learn Expository preaching, however, you can just buy outlines from their online store. I do have to wonder what makes the difference between a $4.00 sermon and the $12.00 variety. Is there a money-back guarantee if the altars aren’t full?

As tempting as all this is, Old PU is still a better deal. We’re even going to get a mascot soon.


Today’s website was send along by alert SFL reader Dan and is chock full of the kind of fundy craziness that we’ve all come to expect. There’s information on Science, Cosmology (which one can only assume isn’t a science), and “Biblical Rules For Doctrinal Discussion or Debate.” Plus there’s a whole page on Peter Ruckman just in case you were doubtful as to which kind of crazy is being represented here.

But none of the above can compare to the ringing endorsement of Jack Fellure as God’s choice for President of the United States in 2012. What’s that you say? You’ve never heard of Jack Fellure? Well it just so happens Jack is the candidate of the Prohibition Party (slogan: Nobody Knows We Still Exist). As the old saying goes: “If your party has its convention at the Holiday Inn Express in Cullman, Alabama don’t start picking out your furniture for the Oval Office just quite yet.”

Oh, and the guy who runs the site apparently totes a sword around. So there’s that.