Just check out how well this street preacher in Detroit is connecting with his audience…
Category Archives: Preachers
David Grice Tells A War Story
Answering Their Critics: Jack Schaap Responds to 20/20
Schapp responds to the 20/20 story with typical graciousness…
Note: since the original video was removed due to copyright claim, this is a re-upload by yours truly
Note2: Now Hammond has launched a copyright claim against my videos on two different hosts even though they are clearly fair use. Stand by…
(I know I just did a Schaap video today but this is hot off the press so I wanted to get it up now instead of waiting)
So what are your favorite books, Dr. Schaap? Evidently the answer is 1611! Hyles! The 1611 that belonged to Hyles! another 1611! and Hyles! And more Hyles! And then some more 1611!
I’m downright embarrassed for him.
Ministry Promotion Videos
This one happens to be for an evangelist named Jason Kendrick