All posts by Darrell
Fundy Tweet of the Week: Bible College
Today’s tweet comes from the pastor of the Calvary Road Baptist Church in New Albany, Indiana.
Really? That is one of your biggest fears? It must be nice to have so few worries. Then again, this is the church with the tagline “If you love the King James Bible you will love this church” painted on their sanctuary wall. Make of that what you may.
Book Review (With Extra Commentary on a Variety of Things
Here a man gives a vigorous and detailed review of a book that changed his life: The Full Cup, the autobiography of Peter Ruckman. On a side note, I don’t know who designed the cover but it’s about as creepy as I would expect a book by Ruckman to be.
I was interested by the reviewer’s claim that the King James Bible is the “#1 book on Planet Earth.” I wonder if he knows that the majority of people on the planet don’t speak English.
Finding a Reason to Be Offended
Oh the party is terrific,
Family, friends all gathered near
And I might be having fun too
If that guy weren’t drinking beer
But instead of conversation,
Food, and laughter freely spread
Now I’ve got to spend time judging
Preaching sermons in my head
And it’s not just booze I’ve noticed
In this gathering tonight
Do you see that woman yonder with
The shirt that is too tight?
And the music’s loudly playing
I suspect some folks may dance
At a table in the next room
I see cards, a game of chance
So…instead of deigning to partake
(Not asking who had blessed the steak)
I’ll jot down each false step you make
And calculate for each mistake
Just how much offense I will take.
I’ve got reasons.
Friday Challenge: Wedding Bells
Today’s challenge is to recall a memory from a wedding in fundyland,either your own or someone else’s.