All posts by Darrell

Five Years Ago


When SFL started half a decade ago…

…Nobody yelled “first.” In fact nobody yelled much of anything.

…20/20 hadn’t put IFB abuses on the national radar.

…The “Polished Shaft” video hadn’t yet been recorded.

…Jack Schaap was still a free man. So was Ernie Willis.

…BJU wasn’t nationally accredited. Neither was PCC.

…In fact the most recent graduates of Fundy U were still in high school.

…7.7 million pages had yet to be loaded.

…Most fundies still thought Facebook was evil. Twitter wasn’t even on their radar.

…Barack Obama had just been elected President.

…None of us had yet met “George.”

…The IBBERR had zero entries. Old Paths University had issued zero doctorates.

…I had half as many children and still knew what “free time” was.

…Many readers here still self-identified fundamentalists (or at least still going to a fundy church).

What do you hope to see change over the next 5 years?

Fundy Tweet of the Week

Perhaps Greg “The Peeper” Neal simply misspoke here and meant to say that you shouldn’t let small-minded and petty people bring you down. Even if that’s what he meant, however, I think his phrasing inadvertently reveals a dismissive attitude that most fundy pastors work a lot harder to conceal.

It’s surprising, really, since concealing things (albeit mostly in the changing room) seems to be a skill set that Greg has worked very hard to master.

Friday Challenge: Be Thankful(ish)

photo by By Dennis Crowley

Today’s challenge is to give something for which you are thankful in the style of a fundamentalist humble brag.

I am thankful that I got 20 people saved this last weekend.

I am thankful that I have never even tasted beer.

I am thankful that I have no clue what the inside of a movie theater looks like or how great their sound systems are or how exorbitant the popcorn prices are…