All posts by Darrell

Public Relations Disasters

Over the past few days there have been multiple articles written detailing sexual assaults involving PCC students and alleging misconduct by the college.

Today the college has written a response to these allegations and it is a complete and unmitigated disaster.

They could have expressed concern for anybody who was a victim of sexual assault.

They could have vowed an investigation.

They could have renewed their claim to make student safety a concern.

They could have established a hotline to call or assured victims who want to come forward that they won’t be expelled for being assaulted.

Instead….they did this on a page buried in their official website:

Click to embiggen

It appears that the college is determined to make as much of a PR nightmare out of these allegations as possible. I really couldn’t think of how to write a worse response than this one.

Making History Again (And Again Nobody Notices)

Last year we featured a trip to Washington by a group of fundy pastors who wandered about, met with a few staffers, sang on the Capitol steps and then congratulated themselves roundly on how they’re changing the course of our nation’s future.

Well…this week they’re back at it again.

(notice the cover of the New Testament this guy is handing out)

…and of course the Internets are full of their tweets

…and again they make a photo op out of singing on steps

…and again it’s a lot more about being seen than actually accomplishing anything.

I’m sure Washington will never be the same.

GOH: Be a Missionary

This song has a lot of nostalgia for me because it was so often rolled out during the missions conferences my family attended.

As an inside joke some missionary wrote these alternate lyrics about the “weird food” stories experienced by most missionaries at some point:

Be a missionary every day
Go and eat whatever comes your way
If it’s ants in your corn chip
Or roaches in your pop
Hey, don’t let it bug you
Just eat it ’till you drop so…
Be a missionary every day
If it stinks just eat it anyway!
It may be warm and fuzzy
And sometimes it still moves but:
You don’t need a skillet,
Chew until you kill it!
Be a missionary today!

The Day and the Hour (A Timely Sermon)

photo by SEWilco

It is good to see everyone here and in their place this morning, even on a day like this when the liberals and Bible-correctors have seen fit to take away from us an hour from the day that God has ordained. God gave me a message last night on that very topic as I was trying to remember how to change the time on my microwave and so with His help this morning I’m going to preach a sermon that I’ve given the title “Daylight Savings: Damnable, Devilish, and Deceitful.”

Take your King James Bibles and turn to Genesis Chapter 1, this morning. And in the book of Genesis chapter one we will read one verse, the fourteenth verse and once you have found your place, please stand for reading of the Word of God. Genesis 1:14 reads:

“And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years:”

In Genesis, the very first book of the Bible we see that it was God Himself who foreordained the sun and he set that sun in the sky on the fourth day of Creation to mark not only the seasons and to mark the years but also to mark the very days. The sun comes up in the morning and it goes down at night to mark the beginning and the end, the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last. And yet mankind has taken it into his heart to believe that they know better than their Creator and they have taken their watches and tried to make us follow them instead of following the One who made the sun.

I’d like to show you three points this morning about the work that the god of this world, the Prince of the Power of the Air is doing in our very midst:

I. The Creation of Time

If you look in the Strong’s Concordance of the King James Scriptures you will see that that the word “sun” is found one hundred and eighty-three times in the pages of this Bible. If God says something once, he means it, amen? But if he says it one-hundred, and eighty-three times we had better TAKE IT SERIOUSLY.

But it goes even farther, my friends. The word “time” is found seven-hundred and three times. OVER SEVEN HUNDRED times the Lord put in his Holy Word references to time.

God cares about time. We are to observe the times. We are to redeem the time. We are to watch for the HOUR APPROACHING WHEN JESUS WILL RETURN.

God in his creative, omnipotent work controls the sun and the moon and the stars and liberals with their calendars and their seismographs, and their pocket watches, and their computer models CANNOT REPLACE HIM.

But let us hasten on.

II. The Calculation of Time

This week I read in a newsletter written by a dear friend of this ministry that scientist have discovered that man’s body reacts and responds to a cycle of time called the “Canadian rhythm.” Man was designed to arise at certain time and to sleep at a certain time. Of course the Devil, that old serpent, isn’t going to be content to let anything that God has created remain untouched so he sent us intellectuals and scholars and people who invent light bulbs and energy drinks to tempt us to subvert God’s plan.

Why does he do this? Well look around you this morning! HOW MANY SEATS ARE EMPTY HERE? Not to mention, wow many of you skipped Sunday School entirely this morning because you lost an hour of sleep. COULD YOU NOT TARRY ONE HOUR? And yet the temptation comes in and the Devil does his work and suddenly the house of God sits cold and empty because man decided that he would just find his own way and not follow God’s divine plan for the heavens.

But there’s third thing to consider:

III.The Cessation of Time

The end of time is coming, friends. There is coming a day when that angel shall stand upon land and upon sea and declare that time is OVER. And in that great judgment day what shall we answer the Lord with how we squandered an entire hour of our lives every year!






And when you look upon the face of Jesus and he calls you to give an account for every minute of your life, what will you answer him then?

We need to vote for good Godly leaders who believe the Bible. Who believe in the God of the Bible. Men who will stand up and vote down this travesty of so-called “Daylight Savings” that we can see from the pages of Scripture is nothing but “The Dark Night of Damnation”!

As we close, if you’re not saved here this morning there’s another time that you should consider. The Accepted Time. NOW is the hour of salvation for you. You’ve already lost an hour of your life this morning that you can never get back. If you were to die today, would you be ready to give an account?

Every head bowed and every eye closed as the organ begins to play “I Need Thee Every Hour”…

Yes, it is literally possible to preach a sermon against anything.