All posts by Darrell
Fundy Fallacy: Bifurcation
One has to look no further than this this article by Allen Domelle Bruce Goddard, to find the common fundy fallacy of bifurcation otherwise known as the “all or nothing” fallacy.
Starting with a tautology for a title (“If You Have No Line, Then You Have No Line”) he attempts to demonstrate that “mockers who act as if you are so stupid for fussing over little things” must obviously have no standards or morals whatsoever or else they wouldn’t question yours.
Would you let somebody into your church naked? Then you must keep my dress standards! Would you (God forbid) let Justin Bieber sing in your church? then you must keep my music standards!
There is no middle ground in fundy world. It’s a bizarre place to live.
Update 1: Corrected author of the article to Bruce Goddard. Allen Domelle is the owner of the website.
New World Order Bible Versions
It looks like somebody (hopefully somebody with legal permission) has released the entire video of Steve Anderson’s New World Order Bible Versions on YouTube.
I just did a quick click-through of the video and most of it is apparently just Anderson yelling at his church in his usual obnoxious style with a few cuts to discussions with various “experts.” Even other KJVO people should have reason to find this production pretty cringe-worthy.
I love that if you go out to where the video is for sale that the other titles on offer include conspiracies on flouride and contrails. Anderson finds himself in good company.
While Keith Gomez believes that television may be bringing demons into your home apparently spending a lot of time and money killing God’s creation for sport is good, wholesome fun.
One wonders exactly how much church budget has gone to this particular pastime.
Gangland Christians
Take down the signs and crosses on the fundy church and put up instead a banner that reads “Post-Christian.”
For Independent Baptists talk about the Christian God; they still wave around the Christian book; they still use Christian words like “sin” and “righteousness” and “grace” but many, many are not Christian. Christians follow the example and teachings of Christ above the teachings of a culture stamped Made in America.
The fundamentalist church has left off being a church and has become instead a gang of people attempting to find self-worth and self-empowerment through the practice of dominating others.
The local church is in a perpetual turf war against all comers with weapons of words to protect its power and possessions.
When someone is declared “saved” they mean “has passed initiation and is now wearing our uniform and displaying our colors.”
When these people say “biblical” they mean “the rules that make you one of us.”
When they talk of soul winning they mean “recruiting the strong and preying on the weak”
When they bestow the title of pastor they mean “The leader of the pack. The man who declares himself strong enough to keep us safe and make the outsiders tremble.”
When they call someone “apostate” or “heart-hearted” or “bitter” it is the sign that the protection is lifted and that person it is now the duty of every member to exact cruel justice on them.
Fundamentalists may mock the Southern Baptists or others as being social clubs instead of churches. Many apparently don’t realize that the club they have joined can be far more dangerous.