All posts by Darrell

Spring Fundraiser

Update: Three hours later we’re now FULLY FUNDED for the next year of SFL. I’m just blown away by your generosity. Thank you all so much.

Well, we’ve never done this before at SFL but as the number of people reading this site every day continues to grow the cost of keeping the servers running is grown quite a bit as well and the small amount of revenue from ads simply no longer covers the entire operation.

Last year, after months of people getting server errors and bad page loads, one person generously donated the money to upgrade and keep things running here. For the coming year I’d like to give multiple people the chance to pitch in to help keep the lights on to keep that burden from falling on just one person. If the number of people who visit SFL in one day would all donate $1 we’d have the entire $300 to pay for the next year of hosting funded today.

For those who can’t contribute: I live with those same economic realities and there is no pressure at all.

For those who do donate any amount: if you’re on the forums and not already a Gold Member please send me a message on the forums and you’ll get those coveted purple stars.

Lastly, if you run a business or have a line of long demin skirts that you’d like to advertise on SFL please drop me a line and we can talk about ad space.

Thanks for all you of you who show up every week and make SFL happen. It wouldn’t be what it is without you.