All posts by Darrell


Eats Kale
Hates fat
Is that…

Loves shoes
They’re for sure…

Foreign made
Black and White
Art house reels
Think they might…

Mental is as mental does
Passions all have cages
Keeping pure is paramount
So goes it through the ages

A Personal Note


A lot has happened in the last week for my family. A terrible leak, an uncaring rental company and a financial crunch have conspired to displace us from our home and throw our lives into chaos.

My family will likely have to seek refuge with relatives several states away while I become a bit of a vagabond whilst we wait for our housing situation to clear up. Not to worry, SFL will continue unabated for as long as I can steal WiFi from somewhere.

We could all use your prayers, good thoughts, and zen hugs right now. Also, if you know any old Irish curses for property managers who believe that painting a wet ceiling will fix mold, please feel free to share them.