All posts by Darrell

5 Stages

1. Denial.

Nothing is wrong with fundamentalism. The crazy is out there somewhere, not in my church or my school. Sure we have a few problems but doesn’t everybody? We’re still seeing SOULS SAVED and that’s all that matters, amen? Besides, who else out there is right on all the doctrine that matters?

2. Anger

How dare they hurt ME and MINE? I always thought the people who left were complainers and backsliders but now they’ve hurt my kid. They’ve taken my livelihood. They’ve ruined my career goals. I have rage. I’m mad as hell and I’m not going to take it anymore!

3. Bargaining

Ok, so I have a lot tied up in this whole fundamentalism thing. Maybe it can be saved. Maybe I can be the voice in the wilderness that calls it to change. I’m going to talk to some people. I’m going to write some things. I’m going to see if we can make this church straighten up and fly right. These are good people, surely they’ll listen to reason if I approach them with kindness and logic right?

4. Depression


4b. A Whole Lot More Anger

(It’s right about here that a lot of people start blogs.)

5. Acceptance.

Well, that whole fundamentalism thing was a really weird trip. Hard to believe that was part of my life for so longer. I’m just going to sip this beer and shake my head about it for a while and then I’m going to get up and go live the rest of my life. I’ve got a lot going on these days and some of it is pretty cool. But man, those were some crazy days.

Which stage are you in as of today? I’m somewhere at the end of 4b. and drifting straight into 5.