All posts by Darrell

SFL Flashback: Cognitive Dissonance

This post was originally featured in October of 2010

We believe that Calvinism is a hindrance to evangelism…we also believe the Spurgeon and Edwards were the instruments great revivals.

We believe that praying written prayers is vain repetition…we also believe that praying the exact same words over breakfast every morning is a necessary and meaningful experience.

We believe that since canon of Scripture is closed, the Holy Spirit no longer gives direct revelation to people…we also believe that the Holy Spirit gives traffic directions and investment advice.

We believe that the Scriptures are the sole authority for our faith and practice…we also believe that Christian standards of dress and music somehow were all discovered centuries after the Scriptures were finished and include things not addressed therein.

We believe that every man has soul liberty and that every believer is a priest…we also believe that the pastor has complete authority to override that liberty any time he sees fit.

We believe that liberals have purposely corrupted our public school systems and lowered our education standards for their own political ends….we also believe that these semi-illiterate students are perfectly capable of understanding a four-hundred year old translation of the Scriptures.

We believe that the reason our church isn’t growing quickly is that the world is getting worse and worse as the end times approach and men’s hearts wax cold…we also believe that our soul winning program has broken records every year for the last 20 years.

We believe that good will always overcome evil…we believe that evil will always overcome good.

The “Mission Field”

A friend of mine snapped this picture in a fundy church he was visiting. I think it’s telling that the “mission field” is always seen as out there beyond the church walls. In here we are the holy, the blessed, the congregation of saints. By contrast, anybody who isn’t here in this place is our mission field. Stop and ponder that idea for a moment.

Outside these walls are sinners and reprobates no matter what they claim to profess. Be they ever so Christian, be they ever so holy, be they ever so kind and just and loving: they are not of us and therefore we must proselytize them tirelessly.