I’d rather go hear a preacher that preaches about what Jesus did for our sin and why that matters. But that’s just me.
All posts by Darrell
GOH: He Paid A Debt
This isn’t really a bad song so much as one that I’ve never really heard outside of fundy circles.
Discussion question: does fundamentalism give rise to unimaginative chord progressions?
SFL Flashback: Children’s Radio Programs
This post was originally featured on SFL in December 2008
Fundamentalist children who were born after 1954 may recognize these words…
“Ranger Bill, Warrior of the Woodland, struggling against extreme odds, traveling dangerous trails, fighting the many enemies of nature. This is the job of the guardian of the forest, Ranger Bill. Pouring rain, freezing cold, blistering heat, snows, floods, bears, rattlesnakes, mountain lions. Yes, all this in exchange for the satisfaction and pride of a job well done.”
Ranger Bill was just one of a host of children’s radio programs that began in the 1950’s and continue to be rebroadcast to the present day. Keys for Kids with Uncle Charlie, Story Time with ‘Aunt B’, Uncle Bob’s Nature Corner…the list goes on and on.
These radio programs taught lessons such as the evils of lying, stealing, television, gambling and other various and sundry moral ills while accompanied by the dramatic effects of an electric organ that would do any soap opera proud.
Don’t knock it. For fundy kids, Saturday mornings around the radio were some of the happiest times of the week.
Ranting About Technology
I considered clipping excerpts from this “sermon” preached at Immanuel Baptist Church about the evils of technology but it’s just so perfect in its entirety that I didn’t want to ruin it.
I especially appreciate his keen use of Scripture to back up his points and the way that Christ permeates his outlook.
Do any of these look familiar?