All posts by Darrell

MOY: But What About Abortion?


I have been asked one question more than any other by conservatives who find out about my Obama Year project. When I say that I’m going to spend a year as a progressive the first thing that occurs to them isn’t fiscal policy, healthcare, or marriage equality. They don’t quiz me on foreign affairs, drone strikes, or immigration. Instead, they look at me with a mixture of concern and horror and ask “are you going to switch your position on abortion?”

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An alert SFL reader sent me a link to the 2011 tax return filed by The Sword of the Lord which on page 7 reveals the following information about the income of its employees:


I had no idea that running a fundamentalist fishwrap which features mostly old sermons, self-righteous rants, and ads for bus ministries was such a lucrative affair for the guy at the top. If Shelton is making that kind of dough I guess it must be seriously hard work culling all the Calvinism out of Spurgeon’s sermons to make them fit to print.

Friday Challenge: Bless the Beasts and the Children

2009-08-16 Puppy at Duke East 1
(photo by Ildar Sagdejev)

I was thinking this morning about animals in fundyland and the way that nature is perceived. It seems that some fundies take a sort of pride in constantly pointing out that animals are not as important as human beings and that it doesn’t really matter how we treat them. From Jack Decoster’s heinous treatment of his factory farm chickens to the sadistic missionary who would routinely brutally kick his dogs just because he could. The very idea of a church service to bless animals would be unthinkable.

Today’s challenge is to remember pets or other animals from your time in fundamentalism. Has your perspective of nature changed since you left?