This tale of rebellion and consequences comes from the same teen magazine from which the creepy picture of Dave Hyles was taken. It’s a pip.
All posts by Darrell
Sound Doctrine
Making History (and Having Nobody Notice)
So apparently a bunch of fundamentalist pastors went to Washington D.C. this week and did this:
One participant was so excited that he wrote this:
These fundamentalist pastors did this and this and hung out with this guy.
Then they stood outside the Capitol and did this:
And while standing there they sang this and this (sideways!).
Unfortunately, because the media is SO BIASED they received absolutely no coverage for all these historic things they did, prompting one participant to write this:
History was made but the world marches on unchanged. What a tragedy.
MOY: My Life as a Feminist
How do you make the transition from being a patriarchal Baptist fundamentalist to embracing being a feminist? It goes something like this.
Jack Schaap Sentenced to 12 Years “Jack Schaap, the former pastor of a 15,000-member northwest Indiana megachurch, was sentenced today to 12 years in prison for engaging in sex with a troubled underage girl who sought him out for counseling.”
Post Tribune: “Prosecutors had asked for 10 years, but Judge Rudy Lozano noted federal sentencing guidelines called for at least 168 months, and he didn’t want to go that much below the guidelines. Lozano noted that Schaap plead guilty, but considering the government’s case against him, he almost had to. He mentioned that Schaap fired an employee who went to his wife with information about his affair with a teen girl. Schaap also asked a tech employee of the church if the photos and texts could be erased. The employee told him they could not, then went to church deacons and the FBI with the images and texts.”