All posts by Darrell

The Circle of Strife

All of your criticism about my organization is invalid because…

You’re not part of my organization and therefore…

You’re not biblical because…

Only my organization (and others just like it) are biblical and so…

Only people inside my organization are qualified to judge problems in my organization and…

We all think it’s just fine.

Or to quote a young man from my Fundy U with whom I had a conversation earlier this week:

I shouldn’t be having this conversation with you. But not because of what other may think or because of my standing but because this whole thing…is unprofitable and unedifying. I honestly believe that Christ is not being honored through this. How you and the other authors are going about sending your message is through bitterness, spite, and down right unbiblical. When it comes down to it, its really a issue of the heart. So I sorry you feel this way, but again I believe your going about it the wrong way. I’ll be praying for you.

If you can’t find a way to attack the message, attack the messenger’s tone. But whatever you do, don’t actually listen.